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1139. State of affairs on planet Earth from the cosmic perspective.
(Processed by Ivo A. Benda) August 8 - 9, 2000. Place: Česká Lípa.
This material was processed by extracting some parts of book “The New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ” (1999, by Peter D. Francuch) and by communication with the Prime Creator of all and everybody.
The COMMUNICATION is limited as it is displayed in the scheme above. Planet Earth is the only place in Creation that can serve as an information source for all beings of Creation, except of very inhabitants of planet Earth (until recently). Because of this peculiar arrangement from the works of the pseudo-creators, so many peculiar organizations and religions (and their “truths”) dominate here that, for an ordinary human, this state is an utter chaos and disinformation and perversion of everything possible. Thanks to this arrangement, beings of Light as well as of darkness can clearly and transparently recognize what NOT to CHOOSE, i.e. to unchoose the creation of the pseudo-creators on their own without our beloved Creator. The very human society is so strange and peculiar that it has no analogy or equivalent anywhere in Creation in terms of limitations and impossibility of such existence of human beings.
The Lord Jesus Christ accomplished a deed of redemption in such a way that the Absolute Consciousness, through the physical - by the pseudo-creator fabricated - body from Joseph and Mary entered not only the planet Earth, where He/She provided information about Truth, Love, but after ending its life on Earth, this body was used for gradual penetration to all 12 negative degrees of the zone of displacement (gradually from -1 down to -12), and so it gave all their inhabitants the information about Truth, Love, which they hadn’t had ever before and couldn’t have had (the pseudo-creators pervert and contaminate every true information with their control programs). Thus He/She gives all beings of the zone of displacement and of planet Earth a choice for turning back to the Creator. In this fabricated physical body from Joseph and Mary, the Absolute Consciousness returns from -12th degree back to -1st degree and finally back to planet Zero (planet Earth) = 2nd coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, where He/She will complete this development phase of Creation, resulting in ending and eternal elimination of the negative state.
Beings of the negative state do not perceive their position to be negative, for they have had no chance till this time to know and experience the nature of the positive state, for they (except for pseudo-creators) are missing such information. In addition, beings of darkness presume (under the control programs of the pseudo-creators) they can never get back to the Creator (that He/She condemned/damned them forever). Just the opposite is true. Thus, everything is a relative knowledge of every sentient being.
Complete information about activation of the negative state (many millions of years ago) is known only to The Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator, and the pseudo-creators. The pseudo-creators are the activators of the negative state in Creation (this occurred on planet Earth hundreds of millions of years ago) and, at the same time, the “chief managers” controlling the entire negative state and planet Zero.
The pseudo-creators have fabricated not only earthly humans – which is 7 million years of a line of ape-like animal ancestors and 4 million years of human history full of evil and killing (95% of human structure is of animalistic origin, 5% is a stolen original pure Divine being of Light) – but also the entire evolution, nature of planet Earth for hundreds of millions of years (via travelling billions of years back in time, the pseudo-creators visited Earth and introduced there their own pseudo-creation from first living creatures up to today’s ones, including apes) so that today’s scientists could find no traces of the Creator’s pure creation and his pure loving beings of the positive state. The scientists therefore believe humans have evolved via self-evolution – through natural selection – Darwinism.
Originally, there was only one continent on Earth, which had pleasant climate, but since the time of pseudo-creation, via directed impacts of asteroids, it has been split into today’s continents (some 200 million years ago). The pseudo-creators used this asteroid-impact technique often to eliminate their own imperfect and mutilated pseudo-creatures (including the saurians - reptilians) until they gradually worked out modern human. They fabricated original man in the course of several phases (some 100 millions of years together with his ancestors) in many ways. In the first place, they divided ONE original sentient mind of a pure spiritual being created by the Creator into THREE separate minds by genetic manipulations of physical body (the biggest changes were in brain, nervous system and the area of sexuality), by pseudo-spiritual manipulations (various control programs) and other methods incomprehensible for us (beyond our space and time) in order to control such divided minds. 95% of an average Earth man’s mind is under their control and as little as 5% is the original Divine creativity - Love (and they even strive to maximize the control of human mind, will and emotions by reducing those 5% down to 0.01% via RFID-microchipping of human bodies – see the petition against microchip totality and the petition “We will not be chipped” at www.universe-people.com).
One of the results is that a human has no knowledge and clue whatsoever where he really comes from; that is, from the pure love of our loved Creator. The pseudo-creators would 100% divide the minds if they could, but they don’t have Love = life energy, and so their fabrications would die immediately. Therefore they left a little opening for supplying the pseudo-being (puppet) with life energy from the Creator. You can visualize this in such a way that an original pure being from the Creator with unlimited creativity and communication with all beings of Creation of the positive state in 100% condition (pic. 3) was divided into 3 minds – much like 3 eggs with shells nested inside one another – where the pseudo-creators had to leave infinitesimally small, minimal opening for flowing of minimum life energy from the Prime Creator of all and everybody. However, they set 3 negative beings (shadows) on every such opening at each of the three levels (which makes total of 3 x 3 = 9 shadows for every average human). The shadows are responsible for the control and perversion of whatever pure information from the Creator that is coming to the opening.
In the Spiritual Path, this base phase is termed the initial point - the sleeping phase, and beings of Light wait many thousands years until some minimum cracks appear in those shells, through which Light – the true information from the Creator and from the beings of Light – may flow. Further on the spiritual path, the shells - barriers are gradually eliminated until, eventually, one pure consciousness is restored that is in communication with all, with the Creator and with the beings of Light. The being is thus becoming multidimensional. The process of re-transforming the fabricated body is called divinization.
The state of demons, which is installed here on Earth, has a major function in the control of the three separated minds – the most within mind (intuition), the interior mind, the external mind (intellect). The control is exerted in thousands of ways; from the entire state establishment (for example, the Ministry of Culture permits and supervises the operation of media, and is fully responsible for 90% of negative energies that the media produce). Everywhere you look you can find the control programs of the pseudo-creators (who are the “top managers” – extraterrestrial entities of the highest evil in Creation). Therefore, you don’t have to search the control programs (they are simply almost everywhere), but, on the contrary, you can search the pure information of love and good. There are as little as 5% of such pure information in organized societies, and that they are available at all is thanks to incarnations of beings of Light into the fabricated human bodies (there is no other way) who then work in such hard, unfavorable conditions. The exact percentage corresponds also to the degree of perversion of earthly human, his body and his mind by the pseudo-creators.
THE THREE SEPARATED MINDS (OR CONSCIOUSNESSES) OF A HUMAN BEING fabricated by the pseudo-creators (there is as little as 5% of communication with the Creator and beings of Light, 95% of information is controlled - perverted by the Darkness, directed in the same manner the managers direct a firm). This is how 90% (6,000,000,000) of people are controlled, 9% controlled partially, 1.2% of people controlled minimally or almost uncontrolled:
Through realization and actualization of the Spiritual Path, every Earth man can achieve the following structure of mind without any limitations or bindings.
THE TRUE SENTIENT MIND created by pure true creation of the Creator (without pseudo-creators’ intervention), the communication with the Creator and all other sentient beings is unlimited and unrestricted (no one interferes, perverts or controls it).
The pseudo-creators meticulously removed all traces of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria and today’s scientists successfully continue in that – the Academy of Sciences. All today’s negative life manifestations are their pseudo-creation, e.g. stinging insects, dangerous animals, vicious bacteria and germs, etc.
The information presented here are especially valuable for so-called “educated” people, for their education is actually a control program – a fabrication, and these information can help them leave behind what they were taught in schools and replace that with the truth of reality.
These information may not be that worth for uneducated people (depending on their degree of “education”), for their mind is not perverted to such an extent as it is in so-called “educated” people.
These information are of help also to the agents of the negative state (they can convert to the positive state), who were and are the active tools and means of the Forces of darkness. I will quote here some of the names (mostly from Czech Republic) who did a lot of work in the area of perverting and controlling of human consciousness: Jíří Grygar, the Institute of Physics (The universe is cold, dead, lifeless), Václav Klaus, who introduced and run financial control systems after 1989 which significantly bind minds of people, Zdeněk Vojtíšek – the Association for study of sects and religion trends, he manipulates many journalists and teachers all over the Czech Republic, and perverts information about the Cosmic people (“a dangerous sect”), all under Czech Republic government, journalists from the People’s Newspaper (what a perfect camouflage – the name of the newspaper), Karel Pacner – the author of book “Searching for cosmic civilizations”, 1976, who have been for many years very actively working for the Darkness in the area of controlling intelligent educated people, now working as the editor of MF DNES newspaper, further some people of UFO groups and their magazines (Magazine 2000, Ufomagazine, Fantastic Facts, X-Facts), from abroad - Michael Hesemann, who propagate negative extraterrestrials and interpose to people perverted information about human history and position of humans in Creation. All this with consent of the Czech Republic government led by the President Václav Havel.
These are not blaming or accusatory, but exposing and disclosing, information. And I feel to be obligated to inform people of that, as no one else has done this so far. It is important that people be VIGILANT and be able to learn. Every agent of the negative state can convert to the positive state, it depends on his/her free will. No one is doomed; everyone has the chance and opportunity to turn to the Creator. This is also why the Creator permitted the pseudo-creators to do their creation – so that EVERY SENTIENT BEING IN THE CREATION CAN LEARN AND KNOW WHAT NOT TO CHOOSE. Should the Creator not allow the pseudo-creators’ creation (creation without Creator, without LOVE), He/She would violate His/Her own law of free will, and beings in all universes would not have a chance to know the fullness of the negative state.
“There are factually 3 structural components in the Creation. Every one of these components consists of its own discrete Universe, i.e. its own multiple Universes, which we can summarily call the MULTI-UNIVERSE. So, there is
THE SPIRITUAL MULTI-UNIVERSE with its own structure, dynamics and
specific laws;
THE INTERMEDIATE MULTI-UNIVERSE with its own structure, dynamics and
specific laws; and
THE PHYSICAL or NATURAL MULTI-UNIVERSE with its own structure,
dynamics and specific laws.
Every multi-universe is in itself composed of its own twelve specific dimensions, by and through which it constantly and continually realizes and actualizes its being and existence.
THE ZONE OF DISPLACEMENT was not created by the Creator, but by ideas of relative sentient entities. For that reason, once such ideas are eliminated and cease to exist, the entire zone of displacement will cease to exist, too.
“Planet Earth, or planet Zero, is the only place in the Creation where the negative and the positive state are in touch and contact with one another, where the agents of the negative and the positive state are incarnated and information is available here for both sides. And this is where the fullness of the negative state will be manifested. The negative state was activated on planet Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and, after achieving its maximum fullness, will also be eliminated on planet Earth by The Lord Jesus Christ. The final encounter of The Lord Jesus Christ will be with the pseudo-creators themselves. It is also a personal, private and intimate matter between The Lord Jesus Christ and the pseudo-creators. However, this encounter could not take place until the physical body of Jesus Christ was fused into and hybridized with the totality of The Most High’s Nature and The Most High became the fullness of The Lord Jesus Christ. Understand please, the Absolute consciousness of the Most High cannot come into direct contact with the negative state, for the negative state would be immediately totally annihilated, and thus the fullness of the negative state could not be manifested. Now there is a means by which that encounter can be realized.
Chapter 7. The Concept of Antichrist – I’m citing chapters mostly from book “The New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ”:
“In the process of this hybridization and fusion, the pseudo-creators have been kept locked up in total isolation from the rest of Creation and the Zone of Displacement so as to not interfere with this process and to give an opportunity to the negative state to exist by choice and not by an imposed necessity. The pseudo-creators, that is, have the means to impose the negative state on people against their free choice and will. Because this was not permissible any longer (after Jesus Christ’s presence on planet Zero), they had to be locked up.”
“However, remember please, the pseudo-creators were the activators of the negative state. Because of that position, the negative state cannot be abolished without them personally and directly participating in that process.”
“Thus, at one point in time, when everything is prepared for that time and all measures of the negative state are fulfilled, the pseudocreators will be released once more and for the last time. Their release will be confined to the Zone of Displacement and particularly to the planet Zero — your planet — where they started, and where they have to be finished and finally defeated. The coming back of the pseudo-creators is, in actuality, what is meant by the concept of Antichrist or the beast from the sea.”
“In preparation for their return, some specially endowed by and appointed agents of The Lord Jesus Christ were recently sent on a special mission to the Hells of the pseudo-creators to perform secret work there. In the process of that mission, certain limitations and restrictions were put on the pseudo-creators, in the sense of making them unable to enter any regions of the true Creation any longer and unable to impose upon people anything contrary to their free will and choice, even within their domain. The knowledge of time travel was taken from them by The Lord Jesus Christ long ago. However, otherwise, they will be able to appear in their full ‘power’ and ‘glory’ and to present themselves to their own fabrication — humankind on your planet and to all creatures of the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement whom they produced before their lockup.”
“The purpose of allowing the pseudo-creators’ return is in the fact that it is impossible to fully expose the total nature of the negative state without direct participation of those who activated it and put it in dominance. Their future participation in this act is based on an entirely different condition.”
“As you remember, in the past, when the pseudo-creators were in full charge of the Zone of Displacement, they ruled by force and imposition, giving no choices to their fabrications. After all, the pseudo-creators fabricated their creatures in such a manner as to give them no other desire but to be negative. If I have no interest in anything else, I have no choice but to be the way I was set up to be. The only choice in any initial stage of development and fabrication was the choice to be or not to be. But in the moment the choice is made for being, it automatically presupposes to be only in one certain way — to be negative. No other motivation exists.”
“Another condition of these creatures, at that time, was their deprivation of any knowledge of their true origin, assuming that they either came into their being and existence by some kind of chance through the negatively natural causes or by the will of God, being a creation of God or gods.”
“If you assume this to be true, then there is no need to change your negative way. First of all, you do not know or even consider the fact that your way is an evil, negative way. And secondly, if you are the creation of God, it is obvious that God created you the way you are, and therefore, you are exactly the way you are supposed to be.”
“On the other hand, if you came here by some kind of chance, without any creative effort on someone’s part, then it does not make any difference what kind of a person you are. Who cares!“
“Now, this kind of attitude was genetically encoded in most creatures fabricated by the pseudo-creators.”
“With humans on your planet, they went even further. In accordance with their plan, humans were never to learn who their fabricators were. Instead, they were to assume to be either the creation of God, the nature of whom was carefully defined by the pseudo-creators in distorted and falsified terms, or the evolution from apes, so conveniently fabricated by them for that purpose and put in proximity to cavehumans.”
“Thus, no one on your planet knows for sure how sentient life originated there. However, be advised that the full exposure and subsequent elimination of the negative state is impossible without having such knowledge. And not only that, but the full learning about the true nature of the negative state is impossible until all creatures and humans fabricated by the pseudo-creators choose the pseudocreators by their free will and choice. Such a choice cannot be made as long as they are locked up and no one knows, or only very few people know, that the pseudo-creators even exist.”
“The point here is to realize, as already mentioned before, that the negative state cannot be eliminated until it fully wins, on a temporary basis, on your planet. Only then can the full learning about its true nature be acquired and placed forever in the Universality-Of-It-All for eternal learning and illustration of what NEVER TO CHOOSE.”
“The reason why it has to happen physically on your planet is obvious: The position of your planet is the only contact point of the positive and negative state, respectively. However, your planet represents the fullness of concretization and actualization of the most external natural degree of the Zone of Displacement. Whatever happens in the positive or negative sense can have its consequences and outcomes only in the degree where tangibility, concretization and exemplification by the external events is the very nature of that degree.”
“From the position of the negative state of the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement, no such fullness is feasible because they lack this negatively natural degree. They are in a different state, condition and degree. Such is the arrangement of Creation and the Zone of Displacement.“
“Remember, please, it was emphasized before that the true learning about anything can occur only from the consequences, outcomes and results of any occurring idea but not from the idea itself.”
“Unless an idea proceeds toward its becoming or actualization and realization in the form of its consequences, outcomes and results, it remains only an empty notion without any tangibility. An empty notion does not provide any learning or base for growth. This is the reason why the negative state must fully win on your planet first before it can be permanently abolished.”
“As long as on your planet there is a presence of some agents of the positive state and some grains of truth scattered throughout various teachings, the full exposure of the true ugly nature of the negative state cannot take place. Their presence makes it impossible for this to happen. It is blocked by their presence.”
“For that reason, the pseudo-creators will be released and will take over your planet for a very brief period of time, sufficiently brief to wipe out and totally remove any grains of truth and good still present on your planet and put an end to the presence of the agents of the positive state there.”
“As you remember, this situation was already foretold in Prophet Daniel, Chapter 7, verse 25 and in The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 13, verse 7.”
“‘He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half time.’ (Daniel 7:25).”
“‘And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.’ (Revelation 13:7).”
“The entire process and outcome of the pseudo-creators’ return is described in the internal sense of Chapter 13 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible. That the negative state will fully win for a brief period of time is obvious from the words of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 24, verse 21 and in Mark 13, verse 19. There you can read,“
“‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.’ (Matthew 24:21).”
“‘For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.’ (Mark 13:19).”
“‘For in those days’ indicates return of the pseudo-creators. ‘There will be tribulation’ signifies complete victory of the negative state.”
“The rest of the verse indicates that such a situation has never existed since God created His/Her Creation and never will be again.”
“Once the concrete illustration of life in the fullness of the negative state takes place, and everyone in Creation has a chance to observe, to learn and to record for eternity the facts of life without the presence of anything positive in the most concrete natural degree, in the only place where it can have any sense at all, such a situation will never need to occur again to eternity.”
“As mentioned above, some humans (followers of Swedenborg’s teachings) believe that all these events can take place only in the world of spirits and that your planet will be spared this dire fate. However, they disregarded the fact that the world of spirits is the intermediate world. That world is not the fullness of all degrees as your planet is. Otherwise, it would not be called the intermediate world.”
“It is necessary to repeat again and again that a full exposure of the negative state and the full proper learning about life without anything positive can happen only in the state of the ultimate fullness and outcomes. This state is the most outward degree of the natural world and the Zone of Displacement which is planet Zero. As you remember, exactly for this purpose, planet Zero was put in a special and peculiar zone on the edge of the Zone of Displacement and in a close proximity to the positive state of Creation, in its most outward degree.”
“Now, let us look briefly on the internal sense of Chapter 13 in The Revelation of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible.“
“As you remember from previous statements, the internal sense, hidden in the literal statements of The Revelation and other places in The Holy Bible, has multiple meanings accommodated to all times, situations and conditions.”
“Thus, Chapter 13 has also the same structure. For that reason, the inner sense of this Chapter will have different interpretations, relevant to each particular time and situation. One such interpretation was transmitted through Swedenborg. His interpretation is proper and valid as applied to the events that happened at his time in the intermediate world. The present interpretation has relevance to this time and to planet Zero.”
“First verse: ‘And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.’”
“This verse internally describes the nature of the pseudo-creators.”
“‘A beast rising up out of the sea’ signifies the return of the pseudocreators. ‘A beast’ here means the pseudo-creators. ‘Out of the sea’ signifies the lowest, deepest Hell where they were locked up by The Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Having seven heads’ means all accumulated knowledge of all times and all types in being and existence. ‘Ten horns’ denotes all accumulated power of utilizing that knowledge to produce life forms and to manipulate correspondences. ‘And on his horns ten crowns’ signifies the summary of all falsified truths. ‘And on his heads a blasphemous name’ denotes that all that knowledge and power was used for activation of the negative state.”
“Verse 2: ‘Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.’”
“‘Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard’ signifies appropriation by the pseudo-creators’ affection for violence against the power of The Most High. ‘His feet were like the feet of a bear’ denotes an affection for disregard of anything positive and good. ‘And his mouth like the mouth of a lion’ means appropriation to themselves the appearance of The Lord Jesus Christ.“
“‘And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority’ denotes that all other regions of the Hells, the rest of the Zone of Displacement, planet Zero and all religions, spiritual trends, philosophies, cults, etc. (dragon), submit themselves fully to the pseudocreators, giving them all available means they acquired and possessed since the time of the pseudo-creators’ lockup.”
“Verse 3:‘I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.’”
“‘I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded’ reflects the fact of the pseudo-creators’ lockup and isolation and loss of knowledge of time travel and some other important knowledge. ‘Mortally wounded’ means an assumption of everyone in Creation that this is a permanent state and that the pseudo-creators will never be released again.”
“‘And his deadly wound was healed’ signifies that it is not so but that they will have another important role to play in the life of the negative state. ‘And all the world marveled and followed the beast’ signifies unconditional acceptance of the pseudo-creators as uncontested rulers.”
“Verse 4: ‘So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”’”
“‘So they worshiped the dragon’ signifies acceptance of the negative state of evils and falsities as the only authority. ‘Who gave authority to the beast’ means recognition of the negative state that the pseudocreators are the actual activators of the negative state and fabricators of humans and all creatures of the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement.”
“‘And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’” denotes recognition of where the true source of the negative state is rooted and that nothing in and of the negative state can prevail over the pseudo-creators because they are the embodiment of the negative state, being its activators and fathers.“
“Verse 5: ‘And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.’”
“‘And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies’ signifies that the pseudo-creators will come with great words of love and wisdom, peace and unification, and positiveness and goodness. But, because those words are used for deceptive purposes, they are of pure evils, falsities, violence, disunion and destruction.”
“‘And he was given authority to continue for forty-two months’ means to prevail over the forces of the positive state until full illustration of life without any presence of anything positive is accomplished. ‘Forty-two months’ does not mean physical time elements. ‘Four,’ in this connotation, means full measure. ‘Two’ in this connotation signifies evils and falsities. Thus, ‘forty-two’ means manifestation of full measure of everything evil and false.”
“Verse 6: ‘Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.’”
“‘Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God’ signifies denial that there is any other Creator but the pseudo-creators. ‘To blaspheme His name’ signifies denial of the true Nature of God which is The Lord Jesus Christ. THE NAME OF GOD IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. To deny this fact means blasphemy. ‘His tabernacle’ denotes denial of all true spiritual principles and their unification in The Lord Jesus Christ. ‘And those who dwell in heaven’ means denial of existence of the entire positive state. By blasphemy of these things means that the pseudo-creators will proclaim that there is no other reality but the negative state, being the only positive state. All else is nonexistent. And because they are the creators of the negative state, which is presented as the positive state, there is no other God and Creator but them. This is the true meaning of the word ‘blasphemy’ in connotation of this text.”
“Verse 7:‘And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.’“
“‘And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them’ signifies a successful removal of all agents of the positive state from the entire Zone of Displacement and planet Zero and of any grains of truth and good contained in various teachings of humans.”
“‘And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation’ means complete victory of the negative state in the Zone of Displacement and on planet Zero without any exception or exclusion.”
“Verse 8: ‘And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.’”
“‘And all who dwell on the earth will worship him’ signifies all those who are in the externals of spirituality and in love with the external possessions and values. ‘Whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb’ denotes all creatures in the Zone of Displacement and all humans who were originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators and who refuse to acknowledge The true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ (Lamb).’”
“‘Slain from the foundation of the world’ signifies the continuous effort of everyone in the negative state to reject the fact that The Most High made His/Her Divine Human and His/Her Human Divine, becoming The Lord Jesus Christ. To reject these facts means slaying this truth with one’s heart and mind (‘foundation of the world’).”
“Verse 9: ‘If anyone has an ear, let him hear’”
“‘If anyone has an ear, let him hear’ signifies that only those who keep their minds and hearts open to the truth are able to perceive the reality of these facts.”
“Verse 10: ‘He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.’”
“‘He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity’ denotes the necessity to bear the consequences of activation and acceptance of the negative state.“
“‘He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword’ signifies the necessity to learn the consequences of proclamation that the negative state is the only reality in being and existence. To proclaim this means to kill spirituality. Acceptance of this means spiritual death.”
“‘Here is the patience and the faith of the saints’ signifies that the positive state tolerates all these atrocities and abominations of the negative state for the sake of important spiritual learning, knowing about the promise made by The Lord Jesus Christ to the entire Creation and all else that the negative state, after this learning takes place, will be permanently and eternally eliminated and abolished.”
“Verse 11: ‘Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.’”
“‘Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth’ signifies formation of a new religious belief system derived from the pseudo-interior mind (earth here signifies pseudo-interior mind). ‘And he had two horns like a lamb’ denotes combination and unification of all evils and falsities in the same manner the good and truth are combined and unified in The Lord Jesus Christ (Lamb).”
“‘And spoke like a dragon’ means that this new religion will derive from all available distortions and falsities as contained in all human religions, sects, cults, occults and various pseudo-spiritual trends (‘dragon’).”
“Verse 12: ‘And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.’”
“‘And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence’ reflects the relationship between this religion and the pseudo-creators. The rise of this religion is motivated solely by the pseudo-creators’ presence.”
“‘And causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed’ signifies that this new religion will proclaim the pseudo-creators as the only spiritual power and God in the multiverse who must be recognized and worshiped because they were able to break out of the locks put on them by The Lord Jesus Christ and to come out, proving that they are more powerful than The Lord Jesus Christ, who in their eyes is an imposter and fake.”
“The release and return of the pseudo-creators will be perceived as if the pseudo-creators were able to break out on their own, outsmarting all blocks put on them by the positive state. They will not recognize that it was by permission of The Lord Jesus Christ. This is the reason why ‘all the world marveled and followed the beast (verse 3).”
“Verse 13: ‘He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.’”
“‘He performs great signs’ signifies convincing proof of their mind powers and performance of miracles. ‘He even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men’ denotes that all this is done with great and intense affections, with the words of love, good and peace, knowing what people expect and what is pleasing to them.”
“Verse 14: ‘And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.’”
“‘And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs’ signifies that people who place all their values in the externals and outward appearances without any consideration of internal spiritual values will readily accept those words and miracles. ‘He was granted to do so in the sight of the beast’ means that this is done with full authorization of the pseudo-creators.”
“‘Telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived’ signifies externalization of the externals.”
“Those who are in the external form of worship need all kinds of external symbols, depictions and pictures to the objects of their worship, in this case, to the pseudo-creators.“
“Verse 15: ‘He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.’”
“This verse describes the fact that all modern technology and scientific accomplishments will be used for control of people’s mind, behavior and actions so that nothing of the positive state remains in them.”
“Verses 16 & 17: ‘And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.’”
“These two verses describe a new form of genetic engineering revived by the pseudo-creators and given to the scientists for the purpose of altering the human brain and mentality in such a manner so as it does not contain any inclination toward, or even memories of, the positive state. If any such inclination and memories are found, a sensory deprivation will be imposed on such humans or, if they refuse to obey, they will be eliminated.”
“Verse 18: ‘Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.’”
“‘Here is wisdom’ signifies penetration of the mystery of the negative state and its full exposure. ‘Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast’ means that the proper understanding of the negative state can be derived only from the nature of the pseudocreators who originated it. ‘For it is the number of a man’ signifies that the negative state originated in the most external natural degree by the people on planet Earth. ‘His number is 666’ means that the duration of the negative state is limited to only one cycle of time in Creation and is confined within the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero. ‘666’ means a shortened cycle of time in which the negative state was being activated for the purpose of spiritual learning.”
“All other cycles of time have a code ‘777.’ ‘777’ means fullness of the positive state but ‘666’ means lack of this fullness which gives an opportunity for the negative state to come to its fruition. In actuality, ‘666’ means fullness of the negative state which is outside of the positive state. Because planet Zero has the natural correspondence of this most outside of the positive state, the negative state had to be originated on your planet. However, this is also the reason why it has to be finished also on your planet. This is the way of the hierarchy of spiritual organization of Creation. This hierarchy cannot be violated.”
“Now, the means by which the pseudo-creators will be released and reappear on your planet, and in what form and condition, cannot be revealed at this time. But it will be a very dramatic and obvious appearance by all means. Do not be surprised if they appear in space ships, proclaiming themselves to be the saviors of humankind which will be and already is on the verge of total doom and self-destruction.”
“As you know, many rumors exist on your planet regarding the appearance of space ships and alien life forms which will rush to help your planet. There are many ‘channelers’ who channel various messages from these aliens and ancient people. Do not be taken in by any of them. In fact, no matter how positive and good and loving and wise they sound, none of them are from the positive state.”
“These phenomena all appear in preparation of the way for return of the pseudo-creators. Of course, it will be with ‘pomp and circumstance,’ to use your words.”
“There will be a certain recognition of and affinity to the pseudocreators by all creatures and humans, with an exception of very few agents of the positive state remaining on your planet for finishing off some business for The Lord Jesus Christ and then being recalled. This recognition and affinity will surface from the deeply buried memories in the recesses of the pseudo-mind, recognizing their own ‘creators-parents.’”
“You have to understand again and again that the pseudo-creators will appear as saviors at first. They will unify your planet into one nation. They will eliminate all wars, famines, diseases, and external suffering and misery. They will institute space travel throughout the Zone of Displacement. And they will do many other ‘positive’ things of similar nature.“
“Once they will have the entirety of humankind and the Zone of Displacement firmly in their hands, then and only then will they reveal their true intentions in such evil proportions that there are no words in your vocabulary or imagination that can describe them.”
“At that point they will resume their genetic work, attempting to develop a superhuman or an army of superhumans with the highest technological accomplishments of unimaginable proportions. They will succeed in producing a huge army of such superhumans with the most evil and negative intent and use this army to invade the forces of the positive state through the ninth dimension, through certain time and space warps, and all kinds of correspondential means. ‘The healing of the mortal wound’ means also restoration of their ability to travel through time and space but not into the past. The travel into the past will not be restored to them.”
“Once they complete this preparation and are ready to undertake this invasion, The Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ will arrange a very slight, undetectable by any means, error in their calculation for the entrance into the ninth dimension. As the pseudo-creators with their army of superhumans attempt to transit into the ninth dimension and reappear in the positive state of Creation, by that error they will be sidetracked into limbo — a place and state outside of the twelfth dimensional structure of the fabric of time and space. And while in that limbo, a judgment will be pronounced on them.”
“Being in the state of limbo means total loss of all power and ability that the pseudo-creators have possessed. But it also means a totally neutral state, outside of any influence from the positive or the negative state, respectively. It also means a complete opening of all memories about the voluntary status of all activators of the negative state and all illustrations of the consequences, outcomes and results of the negative state. Suddenly, everyone will recognize the true reality of the origin of the negative state and the reason why it was permitted to rule this cycle of time.”
“With such an important realization, everyone in the negative state will be presented with a new choice — to convert to the positive state, undergoing the process of spiritual transformation in the New School or, should anyone choose not to convert, THE REMOVAL OF LIFE ENERGY FROM THEIR MINDS AND BECOMING A PART OF LIMBO-NOTHINGNESS, BECOMING NOTHING.“
“By this act, the negative state will be permanently and eternally abolished and all learning about its nature will be completed. Thus, the promise of The Lord Jesus Christ, given at the time of creation of the foundation of all being and existence, will be fulfilled. By this act, the last phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will be completed and finished. His/Her words ‘It is done!’ (Revelation 21:6) will become reality.”
“Now, this is one of many possible scenarios of how all this will be accomplished. However, which alternative will be used depends on many complex factors that cannot be revealed for security reasons until all this takes place.”
“In conclusion of this Chapter, let some additional reasons for the return of the pseudo-creators be revealed:”
“There is a certain spiritual principle in being and existence which regulates this course of events. This principle states:”
“Once something is initiated in one place, state and condition, it proceeds toward its manifestation at all levels of awareness in being and existence until it completes a full loop, ending at the same place, state and condition where it was initiated.”
“As you know, the multiverse can be conceptualized as a round one. Everything in it goes in circular loops.”
“The negative state was triggered by the pseudo-creators on planet Earth-Zero. Therefore, it must also end on planet Zero with return of the pseudo-creators. It is inconceivable to fully expose the ugly face of the negative state and learn its true nature without the full open participation of those who triggered it. Their former participation was from an entirely different position — as a triggering factor but not as an illustrative factor. Now the pseudo-creators have to end the negative state from the position of illustration. No one knows, or even remotely guesses, what life in the negative state is like with the open physical presence of those who activated it.”
“As you know, after the activation of the negative state, the pseudocreators withdrew from planet Zero and established themselves in the Hells which they formed and founded. Thus, they had never participated directly in the illustrative phase of its activation. Their participation was indirect through their agents, creatures, demons, devils and Satans whom they fabricated for that purpose. In fact, the pseudo-creators’ act of the activation of the negative state can be considered their first coming.”
“Notice, please, the parallel that exists here between The First Coming of Jesus Christ and The First Coming of the pseudo-creators and The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ and The Second Coming of the pseudo-creators. One precedes the other. Thus, first, there was a first coming of the pseudo-creators when they activated the negative state and established themselves in the spiritual world. It ended with the beginning of The First Coming of Jesus Christ who put the end to their first coming by locking them up and separating them from the rest of Creation and the Zone of Displacement.”
“The First Coming of Jesus Christ began with the acquiring of the physical form, built from genetic material of the pseudo-creators and the Zone of Displacement, and ended with a total fusion and hybridization of that body with the totality of the Nature of The Most High; at which point, The Most High truly became The Lord Jesus Christ. By that act, The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ was put into motion.”
“In the interim, the consequences, outcomes and results of The First Coming of the pseudo-creators and The First Coming of Jesus Christ have been manifested, illustrated, realized and actualized.”
“Bear in mind the important fact that both The First Coming of the pseudo-creators and The First Coming of Jesus Christ happened on the planet Zero in a somewhat reversed direction. The negative state is triggered on planet Earth in the most extreme degree of the natural universe of Creation and spreads inward toward the spiritual degree of Creation. The appearance of the pseudo-creators in the spiritual world marks, in actuality, their first coming.”
“On the other hand, The First Coming of Jesus Christ proceeded from within to without: A divine element was separated from The Absolute External Mind of The Most High, fused with the elements of Mary and Joseph and put into Mary’s womb, giving a physical birth to a special hybrid. Jesus Christ’s appearance on planet Zero started His/ Her First Coming.“
“As the negative state ended in the domain of the positive state by the establishment of the pseudo-creators’ outposts in the Heavens, so the positive state in the form of Jesus Christ ended in the domain of the negative state in the place where the fullness of its expression and impression can be experienced — planet Zero, your planet.”
“Because of the nature of the above-formulated spiritual principle, The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ cannot happen until The Second Coming of the pseudo-creators is completed.”
“In this respect, Paul’s assumption, formulated in the Second Epistle to The Thessalonians, Chapter 2, verse 3, quote: ‘Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition...’ is a correct one.”
“Of course, Paul, like anyone else, had no notion of the pseudo-creators’ existence or who ‘the man of sin’ or ‘the son of perdition’ was. As everyone else, Paul assumed him to be one person, the son of Devil, who is another person; as Jesus Christ, one person, was the Son of God who is another person. In other words, this is a person that was named by Christians an Antichrist.”
“Now, The Second Coming of the pseudo-creators and The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ again will happen in a reversed direction. This time it is a double reversion.”
“While in The First Coming the pseudo-creators started in the most external degree and ended in the spiritual world, in The Second Coming they will start in their own pseudo-spiritual world from the lowest degree (their most within) and end on the planet Zero, encompassing all levels, degrees and regions of the Zone of Displacement from their own most within (the lowest), to their most without — the natural degree of the Zone of Displacement — planet Zero.”
“On the other hand, The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ begins not on planet Zero, as The First Coming was, but in the most within of Creation, in the spiritual world, from where it proceeds in steps through all levels, degrees and regions of Creation and ends on the planet Zero in flesh, in the physical body of The Lord Jesus Christ. By these procedures, all levels of Creation and the Zone of Displacement are able to fully partake in this act.”
“The statement that The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ will end on your planet in flesh, in the physical body, exactly the way it was at the time of Jesus Christ’s departure from your planet, comes as a great surprise to you, Peter, and to all your children with whom you will share this revelation.”
“As you know, Swedenborg and you assumed that The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ is a purely spiritual event having no physical manifestation, as The First Coming was purely a physical event.”
“Swedenborg’s and your problem, Peter, was that you interpreted The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ from the position of its initial phase. In that phase, it is really a purely spiritual event without any physical or literal manifestation. This event you perceived in finalistic terms, thinking that there is only one phase of The Second Coming. This is a limited, linear thinking. It is in violation of the above formulated spiritual principle: whatever begins in one step, place, condition, must also end there. Otherwise it will have no sense and no meaning. It would be an unfinished business.”
“Of course, the literal description of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible has no real meaning. The symbolism used in its description represents the spiritual state of affairs of the human mind at the time of The Second Coming.”
“The importance of these events is immense and cannot be calculated by any measures.”
“The Second Coming of the pseudo-creators makes it possible for the negative state to be put into position of its full exposure through the process of its victory on planet Zero. Thus, it has to end on planet Zero.”
“The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ makes it possible for the negative state to be fully eliminated and abolished, and therefore, it must end on planet Zero. There is no other way.”
“The full exposure of the negative state and the complete understanding of its true nature is not possible without knowing, seeing and experiencing its source. From the beginning of the second history of your planet, which started with the appearance of cavemen (cavehuman), humankind has been plagued with torturous uncertainty of why the negative state exists, what its purpose is and how it originated.”
“The numerous attempts to answer these questions never even scratched the surface of the truth about their issues. It was not until the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality was written that these questions were begun to be answered.”
“But the full, exhaustive and completely satisfactory answers to these questions cannot be given until the true source of the negative state directly participates in what it unleashed on this cycle of time.”
“Due to the fact that planet Zero is designated for such a concrete, full and exhaustive answer, that source — the pseudo-creators — must be permitted to return so that everyone can see and learn first hand how and why all these things happened. Only the pseudo-creators can give exhaustive answers to these questions.”
“The answer from any other source, even if it were from The Lord Jesus Christ Himself/Herself directly, would be unsatisfactory because He/She or anyone else is not the originator or the source of the negative state. Validation must be and is possible only from the true source itself. This is a spiritual-scientific principle of any assumption. Thus, a return of the pseudo-creators is a necessary condition for elimination of the negative state as a source of answering all those questions, so vital for the multiversal spiritual learning. Only the pseudo-creators have these answers in their fullest content.”
“That the pseudo-creators’ return has to be on your planet is an obvious fact, taking into consideration the position which your planet occupies in the hierarchy of the spiritual organization. No other place has the necessary resources for such a specific, concrete and experiential answering and learning.”
“The appropriate and valuable comparison of the fullness of the nature of the positive state to the fullness of the nature of the negative state can occur only from their respective sources and subsequent consequences, outcomes and results of both.“
“The source of the positive state is assumed to be God. The source of the negative state are assumed to be the devil and Satan. But, although everyone knows that the source of the positive state is God, no one exactly knows who the devil and Satan are. It is falsely assumed that there was some kind of archangel and his angels who decided to become God and were cast out of the heavens and fell into the outer darkness. The outer darkness, of course, is the Zone of Displacement. This spurious and rebellious archangel became the devil and Satan. Neither do people know the difference between the devil and Satan. In The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 12, verse 9 it is stated, ‘So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.’”
“In this verse the dragon is called by both names the devil and Satan. He is also-called ‘that serpent of old.’ In the internal sense of this verse,
the dragon signifies THE ENTIRE NEGATIVE STATE;
the ‘serpent of old’ — THE PSEUDO-CREATORS;
“In that verse the expulsion of the human era and all outposts of the negative state from the positive state and the intermediate world is described.”
“But, in actuality, no one knows what the true nature of ‘that serpent of old’ is; how he manifests himself; how he came about into his existence; how he became negative and evil, etc. His origin, as well as the origin of the negative state, was shrouded in great mystery.”
“On the other hand, in the negative state no one exactly knows who The Lord Jesus Christ is either. As described in Chapter Two of this book, there are at least seven possible surmises regarding His/Her nature. Most humans and creatures of the Hells assume that Jesus Christ is either the Son of God or an enlightened man or who did not exist at all but was invented by humans for self-deception and deception of others.”
“Most people also assume that the devil and Satan is a fallen angel, or original brother of Jesus Christ, as Mormons, for example, believe, who became furious when God preferred Jesus to him to become a savior. A savior from what? If there was no negative state, whom was it necessary to save?“
“So, the ‘brother’ of Jesus Christ, called Lucifer, got jealous and envious and rebelled against God — the Father. This is a foolish consideration full of contradictions. Feelings of jealousy and envy are negative feelings. They are of the negative state. If Lucifer experienced them, being the son of God, those feelings were coming from God. From where else would they come? After all, no negative state existed at that time. Because every feeling must have a source, the only source of those feelings had to be God. Thus, in this foolish conceptualization, God is the activator of the negative state.”
“This foolish conclusion created nothing but more confusion. Thus, in fact, no one in the negative state has the right idea either of the nature of the positive state or the nature of the negative state.”
“Having no correct ideas about these vital issues, the participants in the negative state have no possibility of fully exposing the nature of the negative state. The full exposure is possible only from the position of having right ideas about its nature. Only the pseudo-creators have such ideas. Therefore, only they can illustrate and manifest the true full nature of the negative state. This is the purpose of their second coming.”
“Once this is illustrated, the last phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ can take place. In this phase the members of the negative state will be able to recognize for the first time who The Lord Jesus Christ is and what the full nature of the positive state is as compared to the negative state in its full victorious condition on your planet.”
“In such a comparison, the fullness of spiritual learning regarding the nature of the negative state, but also of the nature of the positive state, is founded.”
“Here is a great spiritual mystery. The members of the positive state cannot fully know and experience the nature of the positive state until the full nature of the negative state is exposed and the last phase of The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ takes place on your planet. This can be accomplished only with the pseudo-creators on the scene.”
“In order to accomplish all of the steps described above, the process of the activation of the negative state has to be recapitulated. No one exactly knows how the negative state was actually concretely activated. The New Revelation gives you only the theoretical statements about this matter. It cannot give you a vivid, living illustration. This illustration is particularly necessary for the members of the negative state, and for their eventual salvation. However, many members of the positive state do not know it either. Their knowledge is only by recorded history in the Universality-Of-It-All, access to which has been closed until recently.”
“Only The Lord Jesus Christ and the pseudo-creators precisely know how the negative state was activated. But The Lord Jesus Christ, being absolutely positive, cannot illustrate that process by living examples on the members of the positive state. Therefore, the return of the pseudo-creators will take place, and they will be permitted to illustrate the process from A to Z, to use your figure of speech. What will happen here is that the pseudo-creators will resume their experimentations, during which they will be able to illustrate on living examples the process of the activation of the negative state.”
“Now everyone will have a concrete illustrative answer to the question of how the negative state was activated. Without having an answer to this question, the negative state cannot be deactivated and abolished. It would be still motivated to continue in its being and existence, until ‘how’ is answered.”
“The Lord Jesus Christ has personal, private and intimate reasons for encountering the pseudo-creators face to face, known only to Him/ Her. This reason cannot be revealed until this encounter takes place. In the first encounter, during which the pseudo-creators were locked up, Jesus Christ still functioned from the position of relative separation from The Most High. One of the many mysterious reasons why The Most High needed the physical body of Jesus Christ was in foresight of the need for this final, more crucial encounter.”
“This last encounter will be from the POSITION OF UNIFICATION, FROM THE NEW NATURE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS UNITY OF ALL ELEMENTS, including the elements taken out of the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero, the elements which were originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators.”
“Here is the greatest mystery of all. The last encounter must take place in the fullness of all states and conditions and the place where the negative state was initially triggered. The spiritual war will end on your planet since it also began on your planet. The pseudo-creators started it, they also must finish it in a total defeat.”
“One aspect of this greatest mystery of all is that THE PSEUDO-CREATORS WILL BE DEFEATED FROM THE POSITION OF THEIR OWN FABRICATIONS. The indication of this fact can be found in the internal sense of The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Apocalypse) Chapter 17, verses 16-17:”
“‘And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.’”
‘“For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.’”
“But it is also in the mysterious fact that The Lord Jesus Christ contains within Himself/Herself the fullness of the nature of the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero through the hybridized and divinized human body He/She acquired while on your planet. The point that will be proven here to the pseudo-creators, as well as to everyone in the negative state and the entire Creation, is that it is possible to have that kind of body, the body originally made from the ideas of pure evils and falsities, and yet to be totally and absolutely positive without any desire or craving for evils and falsities. The pseudo-creators boastfully assumed that no one can be fully positive and good having such a body.”
“Again, here lies the greatest mystery of all. Because that body came from the elements of your planet, it is on your planet that this point will be illustrated in the face of the pseudo-creators. In this act is contained the possible salvation of the pseudo-creators themselves — another great mystery. By this final act the cycle of time in which all these mysteries are taking place will be completed and The Last Judgment, in its final phase, will commence (see the next Chapter). After this act, and after completion of the Last Judgment, a new cycle of time will come into its being and existence, called The New Heaven and The New Earth.”
“He/she who has ears to hear and listen, let him/her hear and listen to what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”
1140. The mystery of the pseudo-creators. (Received by Peter D. Francuch)
February 10, 1988. 4:15. Place: Santa Barbara, California, USA.
What I’m citing here from book “The New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ” vitally concerns every Earth man, for everyone has a human body fabricated by the pseudo-creators !!! Understanding of this fact gives the possibility and chance of solving problems of every man on Earth.
Don’t fear anything and spread the information in all directions, especially to schools - teachers, politicians, scientists, officers and all other interested persons. It will be of help to humanity, and a big mess for the pseudo-creators. With love, Ivo A. Benda.
Chapter Six.
On February 10, 1988, at 4:15 in the morning, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying,
“Many things were revealed regarding the nature of the pseudo-creators and the methods by which they activated the negative state in the books Fundamentals of Human Spirituality and Who Are You And Why Are You Here? At that time, for the first time in the history of humankind on your planet, the true origin and nature of the negative state was revealed. Before that revelation was granted, no one knew exactly how the negative state came into its being and existence.”
“The most common story, accepted by most humans, is derived from the literal sense of several places in The Holy Bible. For example, in The Epistle of Jude, verse 6 (this Epistle has only one Chapter), it is written:”
“‘And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.’”
“This statement implies that the origin of the negative state can be found in the angels of God who, for some reason or other, decided to rebel against God and remove themselves from the positive state of heaven, establishing their own domain. However, this statement does not say why angels would ever want to do such a foolish thing. It seems as though these angels were not too bright to come up with stupidity of this nature.”
“Of course, the statement quoted above does not contain any inner spiritual sense. None of the Epistles do, as was already revealed through Swedenborg.”
“It is a different situation with other stories in The Holy Bible that do contain such an inner, spiritual meaning. The first one can be found in The Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 14, verses 12-15:
“‘How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like The Most High.” Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.’”
“The literal sense of these verses implies that there was a person by the name of Lucifer (the morning star), who was a son of God, and who decided to overthrow The Most High and become God himself. As a result of his foolish pride, God threw out Lucifer from the positive state.”
“After this act, Lucifer established himself in the Zone of Displacement (outside the positive state), founded all the Hells and began his eternal war against God and all members of the positive state.”
“However, even in this literal sense, this statement is taken out of the Chapter’s context. It relates to the fate of the king of Babylon who is described in terms of Lucifer. In the inner, spiritual sense this statement does not relate to any particular person or earthly king at all. In no way does it relate to any angel, archangel or other dignitary of the positive state. Instead, it relates to the entire negative state, represented by Babylon and its rulers. Here, the process of activation of the negative state and its ultimate end is described. No other meaning can be derived from the quoted text.”
“An even more significant meaning in this respect has a description recorded by The Prophet Ezekiel in Chapter 28, verses 12-19:
“‘Thus says the Lord God: “‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.’”
“‘You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you.’”
“‘By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones.’”
“‘Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you. You defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your trading; therefore I brought fire from your midst; it devoured you, and I turned you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you. All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you; you have become a horror, and shall be no more forever.’”
“In the literal sense this text relates to the destruction of the king of Tyre. In the inner, spiritual sense it contains a story of the pseudocreators or the very first people on planet Zero (Earth at that time) who conceived the idea of the activation of the negative state. It describes their original state of great knowledge, wisdom, science and abilities which were utilized in bringing about the negative state of evils and falsities.”
“‘To be in Eden, the garden of God’ signifies here to be in the natural degree of The Most High’s Creation. The real natural universe is perceived and conceived as a garden of God or Eden. The precious stones enumerated here signify various profound spiritual, mental and natural knowledges and intelligence that they had possessed as well as the science of genetic engineering (‘abundance of your trading’).”
“‘You were the anointed cherub who covers’ denotes the position within Creation — in the most external degree which is perceived as a covering skin of the entire Creation. Nowhere else could the negative state be conceived but in the most external natural degree of Creation.”
“‘You were on the holy mountain of God’ means that originally people on this planet were an integral part of the positive state. ‘Iniquity found in you’ signifies the question the scientists of that time asked:
‘What would LIFE
if it were to derive not from the spiritual principles and The Most High
from the most external position of Creation
instead of from the most inner position of Creation as the case always had
To ask such a question means the very first step toward full activation of the negative state. Therefore it is considered to be ‘iniquity’ because of the tremendous spiritual consequences and implications it would have for the entire present cycle of time of Creation.”
“‘By the abundance of your trading’ signifies the EXTENSIVE EXPERIMENTATION IN GENETIC ENGINEERING AND FABRICATION OF VARIOUS LIFE FORMS not derived directly from any true spiritual principles.”
“‘You became filled with violence within, and you sinned’ denotes that, as a result of successful genetic engineering, the scientists of that time became a major driving force of mankind toward establishing the negative state by imposing their will on the future people on the planet Zero. They did this by their own free will and choice (‘within’). Such a free choice resulted in the appearance of sin. ‘Sin’ is nothing more than use of one’s own free will and choice for wrong non-spiritual purposes or for one’s own benefit without any regard for common good or for The Lord Jesus Christ (at that time The Most High). This leads to the profanation of the true spiritual principles, as is obvious from the words, ‘Therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God.’ ‘To be cast out of the mountain of God’ denotes to be excluded from the positive state of Creation and to fall out into the Zone of Displacement.”
“The verses following this statement describe the future fate of the activators of the negative state and the eventual total elimination of the negative state (‘...and you shall be no more forever.’) This is still in the future.”
“The concept of Lucifer was explained elsewhere (see pages 10-11, Chapter One in the book Understanding and Fulfillment of Our Earthly Life and pages 17-18, Chapter One in the book Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation.)”
“Thus, from the description and explanation above, it is obvious again and again that none of the individuals in the spiritual world would or could originate the negative state.”
“The story and mystery of the pseudo-creators have been shrouded in great obscurity and mostly were not known to anyone until the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality was published.“
“Yet, there is some indirect implication of their existence on this planet in the form of obscure stories regarding Lemuria, Atlantis, El Dorado and similar stories. No one knows exactly what those countries mean, where they were located on your planet and whether they existed at all. No tangible, convincing physical proof of their existence is available so far. After all, as you remember from Fundamentals of Human Spirituality, the pseudo-creators made very sure that most of the traces of their existence would be meticulously erased from the face of your planet.”
“Swedenborg revealed about the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, etc. No direct recognition of the existence of the pseudo-creators is in his writings, except the awareness that there used to be a state on your planet which was a state of pure spiritual principles of love and wisdom. This state gradually deteriorated to the point of the so-called Fall. However, no proper knowledge and understanding of the origin of the negative state can be derived from Swedenborg’s writings. At his time, no one was ready anywhere to have such a full scale knowledge. The spiritual condition was not conducive for more to be revealed about this issue at that time.”
“However, the internal sense of some stories recorded in The Holy Bible contain such full knowledge. But no one has the key for unlocking this inner sense. The key was hidden purposefully to allow the negative state to fully expose its nature. If the key were available before this exposure, no one would want to continue in the negative state. The negative state would have no chance to prove its point. In that case, no learning of the answer to the question, formulated above, could take place. If this were the case, the entire Creation would be tremendously DISTURBED BY THE LACK of this crucial and important ANSWER and knowledge. It would be deprived, in its vital choice-making nature, of one of the most important knowledges — WHAT NOT TO CHOOSE.”
“At this point, certain additional information regarding the mystery of the pseudo-creators can be revealed.”
“The story of the pseudo-creators begins in The Holy Bible, in the Second Chapter of Genesis, verse 15, and continues to verse 26 of Chapter Eleven of the same book. After that verse, the historical events are utilized to conceal spiritual mysteries of deeper meaning related to the consequences of the activation of the negative state, to The Nature of The Most High and His/Her incarnation on your planet, His/Her combats with the Hells, His/Her visit and stay in the Hells, to the process of salvation and, most importantly, to the process of His/Her fusion into becoming the only Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Thus, the first eleven Chapters of Genesis have no historical meaning whatsoever. A deep mystery of the activation of the negative state by the pseudo-creators and how it happened is described there.”
“The activity of the very first mankind on this planet is described in verses 19-20 of Chapter Two of the book of Genesis in The Holy Bible. (A note about the terms ‘mankind’ and ‘humankind.’ The term ‘mankind’ denotes the very first real people that lived on the real planet Earth. (Real Earth is a true nature of Earth, other “Earths” in other dimensions are her reflections and thus are not real – editor’s note.) The word ‘man’ denotes both feminine and masculine principle. The term ‘humankind’ refers solely to the humans fabricated by the pseudocreators and situated on planet Zero. Again, it incorporates both female and male gender.) ‘Adam’ represents that mankind. Adam was not one single person, as many people on your planet still believe. By ‘Adam’ the first androgynous people are described. Their purpose was to prepare a certain dimension of that planet for activation of the negative state by putting everything on the planet in a favorable position for that purpose and condition.”
“The fact of this preparation is concealed in the words of verse 20, ‘So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field!’ ‘To give names,’ in this connotation, means to discover and identify certain important contents and ideas in various regions of the sentient mind (cattle, birds and beasts) which will become crucially important in genetic engineering as a preparation for activation of the negative state. In this connotation,
‘cattle’ means the genetic code for development of the inner regions of the future human mind.
‘The birds’ mean the genetic code for development of the interior regions of that mind; and
‘every beast of the field’ the entire genetic code for development of all aspects of the external mind.
Moreover, these three terms signify also various spiritual states that are imparted to this sentient mind through those genetic codes.”
“In the preceding verse of that Chapter, verse 19, it states, ‘Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.’ Notice, please, that the word ‘cattle’ is not mentioned in this verse. It suddenly appears at the very beginning of the next verse (20). Also, the sequence of their naming differs here. In verse 19, the beast of the field is named first and the birds of the air follow. In verse 20, the cattle come first, the birds second and the beast of the field third. You have here a somewhat reversed situation. This is not by coincidence.”
“‘Out of the ground’ signifies from the ideas of the sentient mind. In this respect it is from the ideas of the external mind that every beast of the field is formed. They are not created but formed. Creation is always original. Formation is derivation from something already created.”
“‘The beast of the field’ also signifies all human affections in being and existence.”
“‘The bird of the air’ signifies all mental and natural knowledges in being and existence.”
“‘To bring them to Adam’ means that all these knowledges and affections were imparted to the first mankind so that nothing was lacking in its abilities to make appropriate choices. ‘To see what he would call them’ signifies their application and utilization in an effort to be in full control of all laws that govern mankind’s life. This is signified by the words ‘whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.’ ‘Calling’ means utilizing and applying. ‘That was its name’ means full control of all laws that govern mankind’s life and its nature.”
“In order to properly activate the negative state one needs to have full knowledge of all laws that are able to produce life. The point here is that the first people, created directly by The Most High, could not fully activate the negative state themselves because they were created fully from the elements of the positive state. Whatever is coming directly from The Most High, cannot produce anything negative.”
“For that reason, you give these people a full knowledge how to produce life. Subsequently, they do produce such life. That life now is not directly derived from The Most High but only indirectly by means of these people. This is what is exactly described in the above-quoted two verses.”
“The added word ‘cattle’ means that those people were able to also discover the laws that govern the spiritual principles on the foundation of which the most within Spiritual Mind is built. That the sequence is reversed here signifies that, from perception of that knowledge, those people recognized the fact that, in order to initiate anything new, they have to follow first the order of Creation — from within to without. The spiritual is first (cattle), mental second (bird of the air) and natural or physical third (beast of the field). That the Lord God put it in a different sequence signifies that people’s affection for knowledge precedes the knowledge itself. Without affections, there is not too much motivation for doing or knowing anything. Thus, affections come first. But in classification of that knowledge one must follow, initially, the multiversal order.”
“‘But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him’ denotes that those people did not have any proper propensity for activation of the negative state. The only thing they were willing to do is to transmit the accumulated knowledge of genetic engineering and production of the new life forms, as well as all other immense knowledge they possessed. So, after all that knowledge was classified, put into a proper order and recorded into all genetic memory banks (‘Adam gave names’), the original androgynous people were recalled from planet Earth. From this genetic memory bank, a new type of mankind was formed with the separation of feminine and masculine principles.”
“As you remember, the androgynous form contained equally both elements in a full manifestation. From that form, actually from the genetic material left behind, a new breed of people came into being and existence — split into male physical form and female physical form. These events are described in verses 21 to 25 inclusively of Chapter Two of The Book of Genesis in The Holy Bible.”
“‘And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept’ means recall of the first people from planet Earth. ‘And He took one of his ribs’ — signifies utilization of the genetic memory bank and material, left behind by the first people, for the purpose of separation of masculine and feminine principles. ‘And closed up the flesh in its place’ denotes replacement of the direct experience of the unity of all principles of masculinity and femininity, and to all spiritual factors that correspond to them, with an indirect one through the perception of their external manifestation in the form of different physical bodies.”
“That even after this act, the next people on Earth are still called Adam, means that they were created from the genetic memory bank and some other material that came from the original people. This is being recognized in the next verse (23): ‘This is now my bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.’ This verse, as all others here and elsewhere in the internal sense of The Holy Bible, has a multiple meaning. Thus, it relates to many other issues besides the ones being discussed here. Some of these different spiritual issues were revealed in Swedenborg’s writings. Others were hinted in the previous books by this transmitter. The presently revealed issues relate only to the mystery of the pseudo-creators.”
“‘To be taken out of man,’ in the discussed connotation, means the fullness of the spiritual state of both principles, as represented by the androgynous people. ‘Man’ does not mean male. ‘She shall be called woman’ means separation of the feminine form and its spiritual factors from the original source — man — androgyne. In this connotation ‘woman’ does not mean female. It means disunion of the feminine principle from its originally unified source. A set up is described here that will become a basis for the activation of the negative state, as one of the internal senses, relevant to this issue, of the next verse (24) implies.”
“‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.’ In this particular connotation, ‘a man’ represents both female and male. That ‘a man shall leave his father and mother’ signifies separation from its spiritual source. Here ‘mother and father’ means The Most High — one Absolute Parent. ‘To be joined to his wife’ denotes here to give up his/her spiritual heritage and derive everything from his/her external, one’s own, ego state nature. ‘Wife,’ in this connotation, means one’s own nature derived from the external mind. ‘And they shall become one flesh’ signifies that everything will be derived from the external sensual-sensory input instead of from within, or from the spiritual principles.”
“Verse 25: ‘And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.’ This verse describes the spiritual state of the second, physically split people who came after the androgynous people left planet Earth. ‘To be naked’ means to be as yet uncorrupted by the negative state. This is a state of innocence which precedes the shameful state — the activation of the negative state.”
“Chapter Three of Genesis, in its internal sense, is actually devoted to the description of the process of activation of the negative state itself. To a certain extent, this process was revealed in the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality; in the last Chapter in the book Reality, Myths & Illusions and in the book Who Are You And Why Are You Here? Some important aspects of this process were revealed already in Swedenborg’s writings. Chapter Four of Genesis, in its internal sense, among other things, reflects the spiritual state and condition of people who were born by a different mode than by the direct endowment of The Most High. This is a birth by the scientific genetic principles and not by the spiritual principles. By this act the spiritual deterioration of humankind was firmly set forth. This fact is reflected in the story of Cain who killed his brother, Abel. ‘Abel’ signifies purity of the spiritual principles which derive from love of God and love to God. ‘Cain’ signifies separation of these principles from that love.”
“The fullness of spiritual deterioration and dominance of the negative state cannot come to its fruition as long as there is any degree of the awareness of love of God and any degree of love to God. Such feelings are deterring the full manifestation of the nature of the negative state.”
“In actuality, one of the many aspects of the deeper meaning of the internal sense of Cain killing Abel is a description of the process of genetic engineering and manipulation by which major spiritual principles, related to the true love (Abel), are being removed from or killed in the genes from which the next generation of people was to be fabricated. Instead, it is replaced with self-love and love to the externals (Cain). Such love obscures perception of truth and leads to the development of its distortions and the birth of outright falsities and evils.”
“Chapter Five of Genesis, in its internal sense, among other things, describes the spiritual state of each succeeding epoch, following the activation of the negative state. The names of the persons in that Chapter reflect the content and the ideas that ruled each succeeding epoch and degree of its evilness and falsification. The age of the mentioned persons reflects or contains the description of the quality, style of life and scientific intelligence and knowledge that people of the succeeding epoch had. These numbers do not reflect the actual physical age or time duration. In actuality, each epoch of that time lasted approximately two million years (more or less, depending on the quality itself needing to be fully manifested in order for the next step of deterioration to come to its fruition).”
“Basically, twelve such epochs existed, each having its distinctly different quality and content of lifestyle and degree of knowledge for genetic engineering. They ended in a total loss of any proper spiritual awareness and replacement of the true spiritual principles with the flood of falsities, corruption and ungodliness. This outcome is described in the internal sense of Chapter Six and Seven of Genesis of The Holy Bible — by the story of the Great Flood.“
“The first twelve epochs were preceded by the epoch of androgynous people who came to this world by a direct endowment of The Most High. The very first of the twelve epochs is an epoch in which the direct endowment was replaced by scientific bi-cloning, as described in the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality. This epoch, in the terms of physical time, lasted the longest — approximately twenty five million years.”
“At the end of the twelfth epoch, described in Chapter Six in The Book of Genesis of The Holy Bible, an extreme genetic experimentation was conducted. This experimentation resulted in a production of various life forms, mostly of the negative nature. These produced unique animal life forms on your planet are described by your scientists in various paleontological terms (such as dinosaurs, for example).”
“At the same time, various other scientific experimentations were taking place. One of these ended in a carefully planned great catastrophe that triggered the ice ages and other phenomena which split the core of your planet and divided one continent into several. This process resulted in wiping out most of the animal and plant life existing at that time and produced by the pseudo-creators. This happened particularly during the twelfth epoch of their presence on your planet.”
“The twelfth epoch ended by the Great Flood and a new, totally different epoch came into its being and existence. The new epoch actually started the history of caveman and of the modern times, as they are appearing on your planet at the present time. The establishment of the pseudocreators in the Hells is described in the internal sense of the first part of Chapter Eleven of The Book Genesis.”
‘The ‘Noah’ story relates to the act of The Most High to preserve some degree of spiritual awareness as a seed for the future spiritual reawakening. The Post-Flood Epoch, which is labeled by the word ‘Noah’ and his sons-derivatives, Shem, Ham and Japhet, reflects the gradual suppression of proper spiritual perception as far as practical utility of spiritual principles is concerned. Meaning, it was necessary to retain some degree of knowledge of truth about spiritual principles, but there was no motivation or desire to live in accordance with these spiritual principles.”
“The knowledge in itself must be preserved, regardless of at what level. At that time, this knowledge was still conscious. At the later time and, in most instances, at the present time, it is unconscious, stored in the deeper recesses of everyone’s most within Spiritual Mind, in its part called The Universal Consciousness.”
“No spiritual reawakening and salvation of all people from the negative state, as well as total elimination of the negative state, is possible without the preservation of the vital and crucial knowledge of truth regarding the true spiritual principles. In The Holy Bible, this preservation is called ‘remains’ or ‘remnants.’ Only remains or remnants will be saved. All else will be eliminated. ‘All else’ is the negative state. Thus, the process of salvation is possible from the position of these remains or remnants.”
“At the time when the negative state will be fully exposed and will exhaust its usefulness, the door to these remnants will be open in everyone; all knowledge of truths about the true spiritual principles and all other mysteries of the activation of the negative state will come to everyone’s conscious awareness; and the final choice regarding one’s position or where one wants to be will be made. By this last step, the era of the negative state will end. The entire cycle of time, in which all these have been taking place, will be closed and a new cycle of time, without the negative state and the Hells, will come into its being and existence.”
“The Noah Epoch represents the conscious retention of truth but not that much of good. The next epoch, described by Noah’s sons, reflects the genetic manipulation of the pseudo-creators by which this knowledge is totally repressed from conscious awareness and placed into unconscious mode within the minds of humans — genetically fabricated by them. This is the time when the conception of ideas of caveman comes to its fruition. At this time, a travel backward in time, before creation of planet Earth, took place. This travel is described in verse two of Chapter 11, in Genesis. It is stated there,”
“‘And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.’”
“‘Journeyed from the east’ has, in this connotation, two meanings. One meaning is traveling backward in time in order to control the development of your planet and exert their influence on the cavemen and to develop a totally different humankind that has never been in existence before anywhere. The other meaning is leaving the positive state and the true Creation completely and establishing themselves in the Zone of Displacement. ‘They found a plain in the land of Shinar.’ ‘Plain’ corresponds to the Hells. ‘Land of Shinar’ corresponds to the Zone of Displacement. ‘Shinar’ is a code name for Babylon. ‘Babylon’ is a code name for the entire negative state with all its evils and falsities in its activated and dominant mode.”
“Once the pseudo-creators established themselves in the Hells, they proceeded to further experiment with the genetic material they possessed from the very first people. That this experimentation was based on totally false premises is obvious from the words of the next verse (3) of Chapter 11 of Genesis, ‘They had bricks for stone.’ ‘Bricks’ correspond to all false concepts that replace the truth — ‘stone.’”
“‘Let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly’ signifies a production of totally new kinds of false ideas that were firmly established as a style of non-spiritual life which was to dominate humankind on planet Zero. That ‘they had asphalt for mortar’ denotes an evil intent. All this was done with an evil intent in order to prove the point that life on your planet did not originate from the spiritual principles of The Most High but from nature itself or from the pseudo-creators — false gods. The word ‘asphalt’ has this particular correspondence.”
“The building of the Tower of Babel symbolizes the pseudo-creators’ attempt to establish their direct outposts in the Heavens and to overthrow the reign of The Most High. This is a prophetic description of the future attempt of the pseudo-creators, at the time when the incarnation of Jesus Christ on planet Zero was about to happen, to travel further back in time, before time and space, before the Act of Creation took place. The purpose of that attempt was to block the process of Creation and, instead, institute the full government of the pseudo-creators and fabricate their own pseudo-creation fully subservient to their rule without any involvement of The Most High.”
“As you remember from before, this step was not permitted to be taken and the particular knowledge of time travel was taken away from the pseudo-creators permanently. Also, they were separated from all others in the Zone of Displacement and locked up in a special state and place known only, until recently, to The Lord Jesus Christ. By this act of The Lord Jesus Christ, the story of the pseudo-creators ends for the time being. However, the consequences of their activities and the story of their fabrications, presently existing humans and other creatures in the Hells and the rest of the Zone of Displacement, continues. It will continue until the total elimination of the negative state.“
“Remember, please, that every act or activity, every idea and its manifestation, can be validated only by its consequences, results and outcomes. Thus, the negative state must continue until all such consequences, results and outcomes are fully manifested, actualized and realized. This is how true learning takes place. Nothing can be truly learned without this illustration. The consequences, outcomes and results of the pseudo-creators’ activities are fully illustrated in the quality of life of humans on your planet since the appearance of the caveman.”
“As you remember, cavemen were a fabrication of the pseudo-creators in order to steer future scientists into believing their hoax that humans originated from apes by an evolutional process and from no other spiritual source. The majority of scientists on your planet still believe this false fable.”
“Now, from what was said so far in this Chapter, it is obvious that your planet has two distinctly different histories. One is the history of the pseudo-creators and their predecessors, before they moved out into the Zone of Displacement and before moving the physical position of one dimension of planet Earth itself. The other begins with the story of the caveman and continues to the present time. It will continue to the moment when the negative state fully takes over and temporarily wins on your planet. The point of winning will be the end of this second period.”
“A third period will begin at that point. The quality and the content of that period cannot be revealed at this time. However, that period will have a very short duration for the sake of the positive state. At the end of the third period, the negative state will be eternally eliminated. The means and the ways of that elimination cannot be revealed for security reasons. It is sufficient to reveal here that the negative state, by whatever necessary means, will be completely, totally and eternally eliminated. This is a solemn promise of The Lord Jesus Christ to all Creation and to all who are presently trapped in the negative state. During the first history of this planet, when pseudo-creators resided on it, its physical position was different. You have to remember that everything in Creation and in the physical Universe, as well as in the Zone of Displacement, depends on the activities and ideas of sentient minds. The content and the quality of these activities and ideas of sentient minds determine physical position, style of life, events and destiny of any planet or solar system or galaxy or the entire universe and multiverse and all their respective dimensions, reflections and ‘mirrors’ (more on this issue will be revealed later).”
“Thus, at the time of the first history, your planet and all its reflections were not only in a different physical condition, but in a different solar system and universe. That solar system had two suns. The position and tilt of planet Earth regarding these two suns was such that a cyclical period of each sun’s appearance occurred. When one sun was appearing in one hemisphere, the other was in the opposite hemisphere. And vice versa. They never appeared together at the same time in the same sky. The sunset of one sun meant the sunrise of the other. Thus, no nights existed on your planet during that period of time. The reason for this arrangement was because night and darkness correspond to spiritual ignorance and unconscious processes.”
“Throughout the entire history of the pseudo-creators and their predecessors, at no time were they either ignorant or unaware of the principles and laws that ruled the multiverse and sentient mind. Their mind was fully conscious at all its levels and no unconscious processes were in existence. Thus, no possibility of darkness and night was feasible. Because of such condition, the physical situation of planet Earth was maintained in the solar system with the two suns. At the same time, the temperature and the weather were regulated in order to maintain a continuously pleasant, balmy, stormless, temperate climate, free of extreme conditions. The ability to control and to regulate the physical laws by mind principles makes this situation possible. The pseudo-creators, as you know, were high masters of this control.”
“However, after they moved from this planet, and established themselves in the Hells (or, to be precise, after they established a condition of the Hells), traveling back in time put them into proximity to the time of creation of planet Earth and its various dimensions. In the process of time travel, they changed the destiny of one dimension of Earth and their own destiny. All life forms existing on the original dimension of Earth were purposefully destroyed. The pseudo-creators removed and took with themselves all genetic material for all then-existing animal and plant forms, as well as for all else, so that they would be able to re-create them for their own purposes.”
“Once the dimension of planet Earth in question was re-created, it was physically moved through dimensional warps, through the eighth dimension, and positioned at the borders between the Zone of Displacement and the true Creation in a very unusual position. It was situated into a displaced solar system that had only one sun. Because of this unusual situation and position, the dimension of planet Earth in question came to be known as planet Zero. As mentioned above, this is the only planet where both the positive state and the negative state are able to coexist for the reasons revealed in the previous Chapters of this book (more about this matter and position of planet Zero will be revealed later).”
“In the process of the physical move of your planet, the one continent on it was split into several, the extreme conditions in weather and temperature from pole to pole occurred, the seasons were instituted and the night periods began. This condition needed to be established first to give rise to the second history of your planet with the introduction of ignorance and unconscious processes. These processes correspond to the adverse physical and climatic conditions on your planet.”
“At first, planet Zero was void of any life forms. In order to populate it with the relevant life forms, which would be able to fully illustrate all consequences, outcomes and results of the activation and dominance of the negative state, it was necessary first to genetically experiment with the most suitable conditions and forms conducive to this illustration. Remember please, it is one thing to activate the negative state and put it into dominance, and it is entirely another thing to successfully illustrate the outcomes, results and consequences of such a dire act.”
“The first history of your planet and its inhabitants at that time was the history of activation of the negative state. The second history is the illustration of the consequences, outcomes and results of the negative state. The third history is the full dominance of the negative state. And the fourth history is the full elimination of the negative state and return to the original position in the positive state.”
“In physical time measurements, each history, subsequent to the first history, has a shorter and shorter duration. The first history — activation — has the longest duration (many millions of years); the second history is considerably shorter (it is still in effect — you live in it); the third history will be very brief and the fourth one will be even shorter.”
“A note about the word ‘dimension’: It was said above that one dimension or reflection of Earth was moved through the eighth dimension. This word is used here in a different connotation than in other books of The New Revelation. There it signified the spiritual dimension, the intermediate dimension, the physical or natural dimension and corresponding-to-them dimensions of the Zone of Displacement. Here the word ‘dimension’ is used in the sense of spatial-temporal and perceptual mode of the physical-natural universe and corresponding-to-it factors in the spiritual and intermediate worlds, as well as the Zone of Displacement.”
“Each universe of the multiverse, and corresponding-to-it Zone of Displacement, consists of twelve such specific dimensions or states. On your planet Zero you experientially know of three dimensions — height, breadth and depth. Some of you are aware of the fourth dimension, usually equated with time. Some still postulate the fifth dimension without actual experiential perception of its existence. No one knows anything about the remaining seven dimensions either theoretically or experientially.”
“However, the pseudo-creators possessed the full knowledge of all twelve dimensions both theoretically and experientially, moving through them at will. Thus, they were able to travel and move the entire celestial bodies both within any universe itself and throughout different dimensions, and to totally different universes, galaxies and solar systems.”
“By these means, they were able to transport to and implement on your planet any ideas and results of their genetic experimentation and engineering.”
“Once they established this favorable position for themselves, they began with the second set of genetic experimentations. As you remember, in the first set of experimentation, the issue was to bring people into this world not by a direct endowment of The Most High but by special genetic bi-cloning with many variations.”
“In the second set, the experimentations were directed toward developing living, thinking and feeling entities that would be susceptible to illustrations of the full nature of the negative state and to proving the point that either spiritual principles are not necessary for life production or they do not derive from The Most High. But this idea could be actualized only under one condition: It had to have taken place within proximity to the positive state.“
“One of the major reasons why the pseudo-creators situated your planet into the peculiar position it is was to make it possible to be in contact with the members of the positive state under the condition of mixture and not separation. Dictating the conditions under which humans are born on this planet, the pseudo-creators were able to trap some members of the positive state and, in many instances, sway them temporarily to their side. They needed new genetic material from the positive state. The stronger the new material, the more vicious and durable the new negative form of manifestation.”
“Another reason for this peculiar positioning of planet Zero was to show to the positive state that the negative state is capable of its own independent life and how numerous its followers are. This was a matter of competition for them. The negative state is in a condition of constant competition with the positive state. You cannot compete with anyone if that one is not able to see your accomplishments, whatever they are. Of course, the competition here is for the souls of humans. This was and is permitted by The Lord Jesus Christ for the reasons explained previously.”
“In the process of the second set of experimentation, various plant and animal life forms were developed and projected on planet Zero for their appearance. They purposefully simulated an evolutionary process. From this, you can see how totally erroneous the Darwinian-developed evolutional theory is. The evolutionary theory is based on a scientific misconception. Darwin and his followers assumed that species develop by the process of natural selection in order to accommodate themselves to the conditions existing in various environments on the planet, for the purpose of survival of the strongest and the fittest.”
“The idea of evolution is correct in a sense that various life forms were developed, tried out and discarded one after another by the pseudocreators. They genetically experimented until they came up with the most desirable and favorable condition on this planet, suitable for implementation of their plan. There was no such thing as a natural selection. It was all carefully planned out. The concept of the natural selection is the most foolish idea so far that has occurred in the minds of your scientists.”
“As you remember, originally, before the activation of the negative state, your planet was populated only by the positive life manifestation. Animals and plants were of the positive, beneficial nature. No predatory, poisonous, vicious, killing type of animals and plants existed at that time. But they were all destroyed in the process of the dimensional move of your planet. However, the pseudocreators preserved all their genetic material. In many million of years of their experimentation, the pseudo-creators tried out, through the process of hybridization, many combinations of various life forms — many successful and many unsuccessful. They preserved the successful ones and used them in further hybridizations. They destroyed the unsuccessful ones.”
“The destruction and disappearance of various species and animals on your planet was not the result of natural or cosmic catastrophes, as the scientists would like to believe. It was neither the result of human interaction, as is the case at the present time with extinguished animals by the hands of human greed and stupidity. The so-called natural catastrophes and typical human behavior were brought to fruition by the pseudo-creators and some other processes of the Hells in order to accomplish the destruction of these species, no longer suitable for their purpose.”
“The present continuous extinguishing of some species has a deeper spiritual correspondence. The species that disappeared a long time ago, as well as a not so long time ago, along with those that continue to disappear, must be removed before the total victory of the negative state on your planet is accomplished. Those species are correspondences of wrong attachments and affections which exhausted their usefulness. Therefore, their continuation would hinder and interfere with this important process — the full victory of the negative state on planet Zero.”
“You have to realize that, whenever a certain state or affection or feeling or emotion or elements of thought are no longer tenable, they have to be removed. Otherwise, nothing new, either in a positive or a negative sense, would come to its fruition. In the moment they are removed, all life forms and elements corresponding to them cease to be and to exist. This is how the pseudo-creators used to destroy all unsuitable species from the face of your planet until they came up with permanent successful results. (It is not by coincidence that, following this successful accomplishment, no further evolutional development has been occurring on your planet. It stopped right at that time.) And this is how presently-in-charge forces of the negative state accomplish their goals in this respect. Through their own agents on your planet, they trigger the process of elimination of anything or anyone that no longer serves their purpose.“
“So, in the process of their experimentation, the pseudo-creators were able to come up with a peculiar hybrid that produced a behavior pattern opposite to anything observed in the behavior of the positive type of animals. The purpose here was to fabricate animals, birds, insects, fish, plants and fruits, etc., that would reflect in their behavior viciousness, attacks, violence, fear, poison and killing instinct. No such animals, birds, insects, fish, plants, fruits, etc., existed up to that point. This is the type of behavior which your animal and social psychologists like to label as the ‘fight or flight’ instinct.”
“Once the pseudo-creators succeeded in the production of these adverse life forms, they projected them onto your planet for illustration. From a very specific animal of this nature, from its genes, they fabricated endless hybrids, placing them all on planet Zero in order to see how well they were suited for their ultimate purpose — fabrication of cavehuman and its modern posterities.”
“This experimentation culminated into fabrication of an ape-like creature that became a suitable prototype for development of the presently existing human body form.”
“Similar experimentations were done with the plant life in order to populate your planet with all kinds of weeds, poisonous plants and fruits as opposed to anything nutritious and positively useful. It is said ‘positively useful.’ This means something pleasant to human eyes, nutritious and healing to the human body. The plants and fruits that do not serve this use are ‘negatively useful.’ They serve a different kind of use for illustration of the true nature of the negative state.”
“Notice the difference between these two types. The positively useful life forms in general, in a vast majority, require a lot of care and protection. Otherwise, they are suffocated by the other type — negatively useful. On the other hand, the negatively useful life forms in general, in a vast majority, do not require any care and protection. They just grow and produce naturally on their own, able to survive almost any condition. The latter type of life forms the pseudo-creators needed to fabricate in order to prove the point — the negative state is by itself and in itself, and supposedly needs only minimal means for survival and procreation.”
“On the other hand, the positive state is too weak, too dependent on the care and protection of its Creator and is unable to be by itself and in itself. The living examples speak louder than a thousand most convincing words. Again, this is the competitive nature of the negative state.”
“Once the pseudo-creators succeeded in fabricating the prototype for a human body, which would consist entirely of the elements taken from ideas of evils and falsities, they proceeded with the next, most daring experiment — fabrication of humans as they appear on planet Zero. The prototype was the embodiment of all ideas of evil thoughts, feelings, emotions and deeds and all ideas of false concepts, logic, intelligence and reason. It contained all instincts of survival and preservation as reflected in the concept of the ‘fight or flight response.’ However, the prototype in itself was not sentient, having no concept of ‘I am.’”
“The purpose here was to fabricate someone who would fully combine all the so-called natural instincts and the nature of that prototype with the ability to develop a concept of ‘I am’ as an intelligent, choice-making and functional, by reason, sentient entity. This was not an easy task to accomplish.”
“It took the pseudo-creators approximately seven million years, in your time, to come up with such a combination in a form of cavehuman.”
“In the process of this experimentation and hybridization, many various life forms, both intelligent and non-intelligent, were fabricated. Some of them were very peculiar. Not all of them remained on your planet. Most of the intelligent life forms, not conducive to the condition existing on your planet, were put elsewhere.”
“The point here to realize is that, once any sentient life form is created or fabricated, regardless of by what means, whether positive or negative, it cannot be destroyed to eternity. Only the non-sentient life forms can and are destroyed frequently. The intelligent life forms, forms that are able to conceive a concept of ‘I am,’ contain within themselves life energy which was originally stolen from The Most High (in the case of the negative life forms). In that energy is the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ (who was at that time The Most High). By virtue of that presence, such life can never be destroyed. It is the source and potential for salvation and conversion of everyone in the negative state to the positive state. (Also some Cosmic people, sharing some common predecessors with us, managed to extricate from the negative state. And by the process of long-term conversion – the spiritual growth – they transform back to perfect immaterial beings in the Creator’s proximity – editor’s note)”
“Thus, The Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ provided for these peculiar intelligent life forms a place, state and condition suitable to their nature. As you remember, human fairy tales contain many stories about strange and peculiar creatures, talking animals, plants, etc., both of the positive and the negative nature, respectively. The content of these stories derives, in actuality, from once existing reality (in the process of the above-mentioned experimentation).”
“Some of these creatures, fabricated by the pseudo-creators, were too positive, or too self-aware, not ignorant enough, or too perceptive or too one-sidedly evil or negative in order to suit the pseudo-creators’ purposes. The prevailing positive creatures were taken out of the negative state and placed on the planets within the realm of the positive natural or physical universe where they have been developing fully in accordance with the principles of spiritual progression.”
“The other extreme populates various regions of the Zone of Displacement and the Hells where they are in charge of continuous fabrication of the new type of evils and falsities in all kinds of forms and conditions.”
“Now, in the process of this crucial experimentation, the principle of hybridization was used. From the genetic memory bank and other material of the sentient stock, inherited from the first people on planet Earth, before the so-called Fall, two elements were used.”
“In the first round of this experimentation, the various combinations were tried out, by fusing this or that gene with the genes taken from the opposite elements.”
“The purpose of this experimentation was to come up with a fused combination that would repress all positive spiritual principles, memories, feelings, emotions and experiences; and also that would repress a sense of unity, oneness and harmony of all principles of femininity and masculinity, love and wisdom, good and truth and all other spiritual principles. This repression needed to be done to the extent that the fused hybrid would be fully ignorant of all of them and yet, still preserve the sense of ‘I am’ and be fully intelligent, able to learn and to be, to some extent, inventive and creative.”
“This was finally accomplished. The next step was to fabricate a condition in which the spirit and mentality of the newly developed and fused hybrid could be trapped in a specially designed body which would grossly limit the possibility of full manifestation of the spirit and soul placed in that body, becoming totally dependent on that body for survival in earthly spiritual, mental and physical atmosphere.“
“The experimental question here was:
“As you remember, by that time, the pseudo-creators successfully developed an ape-like creature that served as a prototype for this purpose. In that creature, all negative aspects of behavior and mentality, brute force and aggression, killing and destruction, fight or flight response, ruthless preservation of species and territoriality and, most importantly, direction of all instinctual activities to without, were developed to the fullest. The procreation by external, painful and dangerous means, without involvement of any spiritual principles, was assured in that creature.”
“In this phase of experimentation, the various combination of genes were tried out with greater or lesser success. The purpose here was to develop a condition in which the positive, inward, spiritual aspects of sentient spirit and mentality would be totally repressed and blocked to the fullest possible extent, yet, present sufficiently enough to give one an obscure awareness of ‘I am.’ This obscure awareness of ‘I am’ had to give one some degree of sense of being different from other life forms and to motivate one to develop sufficient levels of intelligence and creativity in order to serve the purpose for which this condition was developed by the pseudo-creators. Obviously, the prototype creature itself, without having any mixture of genetic material from the sentient life forms, would be just another dull animal, unable to illustrate the consequences of the activation of the negative state. By that time, the pseudo-creators succeeded in developing that creature from purely evil and false ideas. In the genes of that creature there was nothing any longer from the positive state of goodness and truth. This was the ultimate purpose.”
“Now the pseudo-creators had a proper genetic material with which they could experiment by combining it with the previously fused, recombined and restructured genetic elements that came from the female and male sentient genetic bank. Thus, they fused this sentient hybrid with the gene of the ape-like creature, developing a new hybrid life form which had never been in existence before. This new hybrid creature was the proverbial caveman (actually, it should be called cavehuman to reflect the totally different, hitherto unknown sentient life form). The pseudo-creators projected this fabrication to planet Zero (your planet) and carefully followed and influenced its development through the entire history of your planet. (that was 4 million years ago and has been taking place till today – editor’s note.)”
“Now, it would be an error to assume that the pseudo-creators put only one or two such newly developed hybrid — sentient creatures on the face of your planet. Remember, by that time, they already accomplished the split of one planetary continent into several. So, they fabricated many thousands of such creatures and placed them on various continents and islands to give an impetus for development of different variations of cultures and tribes that would be able to perpetuate the negative state in different modes and conditions. At the same time, the pseudo-creators modified the prototype ape-like creature itself into a full ape, as known to you on your planet, and, simultaneously with the new hybrid, projected it to your planet.”
“The projection of this ape was twofold. One way of projection was through backward time. The apes appeared, in various carefully designed stages of a seemingly evolutionary development, several hundred thousand and even a few million years before the actual projection of the new hybrid sentient form — humans. The other was a simultaneous projection.”
“The purpose of the first projection was to establish a scientific deception-hoax which would give the impression to the later scientists that humans developed naturally, evolutionary from the apes and that no outside divine force was involved. Thus, it would be concluded that the origin of humans is not from God and spiritual principles but occurred by chance from the fortuitous combination of various natural particles, atoms, molecules and elements, giving, eventually, rise to sentience. In this respect, then, the intelligence and self-awareness does not come from some kind of Absolute State of Intelligence and Awareness, but from the dead elements of matter. If this is so, then no within spiritual principles exist. And if they do exist, they are not the originating source of sentient life, or any life for that matter, but just non-causal accompaniments of life. The spiritual principles themselves might have originated from non-spiritual dead element combinations. Such a conclusion is inevitable from the above-described arrangement.”
“In the process of experimentation with this new sentient hybrid — humans — one of the major principles was to accomplish full separation from, and unawareness of, any other sentient life in the multiverse or any other dimensions but their own planet and universe.”
“This was a very vital condition that needed to be established so that these creatures — humans — would be completely isolated from any objective information regarding other sentient forms, other dimensions and multiverse in general and, especially, from the true knowledge of their origin and from any conscious awareness of the existence of the positive state — the true Creation.”
“This was accomplished by fabrication of a physical body from the genes of the prototype ape-like creature with minor modifications. Into that body were fused considerably altered genes coming from the genetic pool of the sentient life forms. In the process of that fusion and hybridization, all positive, spiritual aspects of those sentient life forms were encapsulated into specially designed genetic containers that would block most of their content. Only a VERY SMALL, INFINITESIMALLY SMALL, OPENING WAS LEFT, LIMITED ENTIRELY TO THE SEEPAGE OF LIFE ENERGY which continuously vivified that body.”
“The pseudo-creators knew very well that, in order to allow any sentience to be present in that newly developed hybrid, they needed some spiritual principles of that sentience to be left intact. Otherwise, they would miss their point. But, by a very intricate and complex genetic and other correspondential manipulation and combination, they succeeded in blocking from the gene of sentience the awareness of spirituality, sucking out from it only life energy without giving any awareness of the true source of that energy. Furthermore, from the genetic material of that prototype creature, and from the very intricate rearrangement of spiritual correspondences, the pseudocreators built another genetic-spiritual container that encapsulated the true mentality, contained in the elements that came from the sentient life forms. That mentality, in its original condition, was too peaceful, gentle and kind and could not produce murderous violence, aggression, hate and all other negative emotions, feelings, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors so abundantly present on your planet.“
“So, this positive mentality was covered up with that container, with a very small opening left, allowing the transformed transmission of life energy from the spiritual sphere of those sentient genes to come through in order to sustain mental awareness of the newly developed hybrid — humans.”
“And, finally, another genetic container was developed, which was used to encapsulate the content of the exterior mind of the true sentient life forms. From the ideas of these forms, a proper physical body was built to manifest the spiritual ideas of one’s spirit and soul into the external behavior, relatedness and attitudes. The awareness of this external form was blocked out completely, so that the present humans would have no knowledge of what it is like to be and to feel and to look as a true sentient being in a true physical form built from the pure positive spiritual elements of love and wisdom.”
“Again, only an infinitesimally small opening was left for flow of that life energy from the most within, through the interior area, to the most without of the body to keep it alive and functional.”
“Once this was accomplished, a special genetic and correspondential envelope was developed, from the elements of the negative state, into which the true most within Spiritual Mind, the true interior mind and the true exterior mind, derived from the genes of sentient life forms, were placed, separating them from the body and body’s awareness of them. Only an infinitesimally small connection was left between them and the physical body, limited solely to the reception of life energy to sustain some degree of life in that body.”
“In the next step, between the body and that envelope, containing the true sentient mind, now separated into the three distinct areas — the most within, interior and external — from the genetic and other correspondential material of that prototype creature-animal, three distinct pseudo-minds were built-in at the level of each container. Thus, at the level of the most within Spiritual Mind, encapsulated into that genetic and negatively spiritual container, a pseudo-inner mind was built. It was put in an encircling proximity to it, as to completely surround that container, making sure as to capture anything coming out through the small opening, left there, and screen out everything — before releasing any damaging information to the negative state’s being and existence.“
“The similar simulations were built and placed around the true interior mind and true exterior mind.”
“Thus, you have here layers upon layers of protection against anything truly spiritual and truthful coming through or out of that now separated and isolated true sentient mind.”
“As you see, the purpose here was to separate and isolate one sentient mind, consisting of its three aspects, into three distinctly different minds and keep them isolated and separated from each other indefinitely.”
“Remember, the true nature of the negative state is built on the principles of separation and isolation.”
“In the true Creation, no such separation and isolation exists. The sentient mind of all sentient entities in the positive state of Creation and its multiverse is completely and totally unified. It is one mind which manifests itself in the three aspects — the most within, interior and exterior aspect, respectively. This arrangement reflects the true nature of The Creator — The Lord Jesus Christ.”
“However, with this kind of arrangement, no negative state could ever come to any fruition. As long as there is a unity and oneness of mind, the positive state fully reigns. This is the true nature of the positive state.”
“In order to activate the negative state, it was necessary to recede from this arrangement. Remember please, that the very first step toward activation of the negative state was the separation of one androgynous form into two physical forms — one female and one male. The full reason for this separation, as well as why the sentient life forms on the original planet Earth had to start with the androgynous form, was nicely revealed and explained in the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality. There is no need to repeat the reasons here.”
“So, the process of activation of the negative state is actually the process of gradual separation of various spiritual principles from their cohesive wholeness and unity and subsequent separation of their receptacles in the sentient mind. Each spiritual principle, with all its infinite derivatives, has its specific receptacle in the sentient mind. By being able to receive and to contain the specificity of each principle, the sentient mind is kept alive. No other source of life existed, exists or will ever exist. And because all true spiritual principles derive from the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ, no other source of life but The Lord Jesus Christ exists. It is hereby solemnly pronounced by The Lord Jesus Christ that this statement is The Absolute Truth.”
“By separating and splitting these spiritual principles from their unifying Source, their distortion, perversion and falsification is possible. Now, they lack their connectedness to this Source. This lack allows the confusion and misinterpretation of their content to become reality.”
“By this act, the separation and isolation of the specific receptacles in the sentient mind is accomplished. This, actually, culminated in a total separation and isolation of one sentient mind into three different, isolated minds.”
“However, this separation and isolation in itself, although greatly welcomed by the pseudo-creators and necessary for their ultimate goal, was not sufficient for this goal. Unfortunately for them, there is always that inborn, ingrained and inherent tendency of the various aspects and receptacles of the sentient mind to seek out and revert to their former state — a state of unity, oneness, cohesiveness and wholeness.”
“In order to assure that the separation and isolation of this mind remains indefinitely (an absolutely necessary condition if the negative state is to survive), the pseudo-creators built the above-described genetic and correspondential containers and blocks which enveloped each mind separately. Moreover, they built one entire genetic and correspondential envelope, which separates the entire mind, in its three levels, from the rest of the body. And not only that, but they fabricated from the genes of that beast which they so conveniently hybridized, three totally different pseudo-minds by which they surrounded the true sentient mind in its three aspects. But even this arrangement was not sufficient to maintain the life of the negative state.”
“In the next step of their experimentation, the pseudo-creators designed and gave life to a new form of being called guardians. These guardians were placed in the proximity of each level — the most within Spiritual Mind, the interior mind and the external mind — to guard against any possible changes in the state of affairs of the human mind. The function of these guardians was described in Chapter Five of this book.“
“A legion of demons was put in the charge of these guardians, in order to assure that the guardians properly guard the status quo. These guardians are called shadows and shadowy figures.”
“Now you see the rationale for the spiritual transformation process, as described in the previous Chapter. You can also see from this why the sequence of revelation of these Chapters comes the way it comes. Each Chapter derives from the ideas of the previous Chapter. There is a spiritual logic here.”
“The process of separation and isolation, on which the negative state is built, was not limited to the above-described arrangement.”
“There was one more step, a very crucial one to that, which needed to be accomplished. A global separation and isolation of humans from the rest of Creation and the Zone of Displacement was necessary to design. This type of separation and isolation is a must if humans on your planet are to be kept in ignorance about the true nature of Creation and the Zone of Displacement.”
“By the above-described arrangement, the state of perpetual ignorance and unconscious processes was established. Ignorance and unconscious processes are vital fuel for perpetuation of the negative state. They are a permanent assurance that all learning comes not from within but from without.”
“If you are in ignorance of your true inner, spiritual nature, you turn yourself outside and you are taught from without, believing that whatever is being said to you by others, more experienced external authorities, is true. However, this situation has to be limited to the planet Zero.”
“For that reason, planet Zero was put in total isolation and separation from the rest of its galaxy and universe. The human body was built by a special genetic engineering, from the genes of the beast. On the other hand, the body of that beast was built from the elements of the Zone of Displacement. These elements were the solidified and concretized rejected spiritual ideas of the sentient entities of the positive state who refused to accept and to act on the content of such ideas.”
“As you remember, the content of these ideas was the choice to proclaim and to believe that life is not from The Lord Jesus Christ (formerly The Most High) and His/Her spiritual principles but from something or someone else. These rejected, fallen out ideas, with all consequences of their possible activation, constitute the life of the Zone of Displacement. From them the prototype-beast was fabricated. Thus, in actuality, the human body, which is the beastly body, was fabricated by the pseudo-creators, in a modified form, from the negative anti-elements of the Zone of Displacement.”
“To these limiting elements, the elements of planet Zero were added and a totally new, extremely limited type of body was hybridized. Nothing like that has ever existed before. Into that hybridized body, the two fused elements from the sentient life forms were placed in the manner as described above.”
“By this arrangement, the spirit of life and its soul were conveniently trapped in that extremely limited and limiting body and they cannot get out unless the body is killed, by whatever means, or wears out and dies on its own. Thus, any movement of the spirit and its soul depends entirely on the function of that body.”
“But what kind of body is that? Notice, please, how limited you are. If your spirit wants to go somewhere, it must take with itself its cumbersome and uncomfortable body. In order to survive in it, all activities of spirit and its soul are geared for taking care of your body.”
“Your body requires a very special environment, a very specific atmosphere and a continuous, around the clock, care and protection. If you have too little or too much oxygen, or of this or that chemical element, your body gets poisoned, damaged and dies. If you eat too much or drink too much or too little, your body suffers and dies. If you run too fast and for too long, your body gets exhausted and may collapse and die. If you sleep and rest too little or too much, it may collapse and die. If you are exposed to extreme cold or extreme heat, your body may die. If you want to travel, you have to devise some kind of external means of transportation in order to move that body faster. But if you exceed the velocity of the movement which is comfortable and safe to that body, the body cannot survive for too long.”
“Your body needs a special type of gravity to be able to carry itself comfortably. Too much gravity will crush it. Too little gravity becomes uncomfortable, feebling your muscle tone. Now, you can go forever in enumerating all gross limitations of the human body. And, yet, your scientists foolishly consider the function of the body a miracle. It is a miracle all right, but not the way they think it is. It is a miracle that any spark of life can be sustained in that body.“
“The further complication of this isolation and limitation is elimination of waste. This requirement rules one’s schedule. Failure to eliminate poisons eventually kills the body.”
“All these factors keep you completely preoccupied with the body and its own separate and isolated life.”
“The very specific, peculiar and unusual needs your body has gives you also a GLOBAL AND MULTIVERSAL ISOLATION. Just ask yourself, how far can you travel in the universe or space with the type of body you have? You would have to build a very intricate space vessel which would imitate precisely the physical and mental environment in which your body is able to be alive and your mentality to be sane. And at what speed can that body travel? Can it exceed the speed of light a billion times in order to visit some other corner of this galaxy and be able to return to its own planet within its life span?”
“In the beginning of the second history of your planet, this physical isolation and separation took a ridiculous proportion. At that time, humans were so primitive that they traveled on foot. Later on, they begin to use animals for this purpose. Not too long ago, humans in Europe, for example, had no knowledge that America or Americans existed. And American Indians had no knowledge that Europeans existed, etc.”
“This situation was purposefully established in order to continue in separation and isolation of your kind as long as possible. Only in the last two decades were you able to fly to the Moon. And, look at what kinds of bulky protective suits and vessels needed to be invented to enable your astronauts to travel to the Moon and back.”
“Of course, the policies are changing even within the negative state. The so-called scientific progress is accommodated to the greater and faster spread of the negative state and ultimately to its full exposure.”
“However, as long as you live in that kind of body, with those kinds of arrangements, no matter to what extent you are aware of this situation, no matter how much you are spiritually transformed, you still have that type of body. It is physically and genetically isolated from the rest of your mind in the manner described above. This condition will always produce problems, fears, anxieties, worries, illnesses and all kinds of adverse conditions inherent in the life of that kind of body.”
“For this reason, as you remember, the preceding Chapter ended with a warning that completion of the spiritual transformation process does not lead to freedom and liberation from this separation and arrangement. You are still trapped in that body. Nothing can be changed in this respect by any means until that body is put aside and you are no longer in it. The only difference in this respect is that, after spiritual transformation, as mentioned previously, you will be able to be in better control of your life, to regulate your lifestyle more consistently with the nature of the positive state. This assures your future choices after you get rid of that ‘miraculous’ body of yours.”
“You have to remember that the majority of humans, being fully and completely ignorant of this state of affairs, consider their situation and the situation of their body as a totally normal occurrence. There is nothing abnormal to them about this situation. Therefore, they fall in love with the bodily life and cling to it desperately. They acquire a certain type of lifestyle, mentality, and even spirituality, supportive of that lifestyle. They fully identify themselves with all habits, modes and principles of this life. For that reason, after their body dies, their loves, habits and attractions to that life remain and are taken with them. After coming to the spiritual world, humans of this nature (the vast majority of them), tend to reject anything else inconsistent with what they acquired and with what they are familiar.”
“This mode of attachments and identifications keeps them in the clutches of the negative state. Because of that, they choose to go to the Hells where they may continue, for a time, times and half a time, in their beloved, familiar and ‘comfortable’ lifestyle regardless of how miserable and negative it is. If you love misery, unhappiness and negativity, the only life that can have any meaning to you will be the life consistent with them. All else is superfluous. It is difficult to conceptualize that the vast majority of humans can be in love with misery, unhappiness and negativity. The reason this attitude is possible is because humans consider these adverse states to be normal and natural. For them, they are not perceived as misery, unhappiness and negativity, but the only possible reality that gives them an illusion of happiness, joy and satisfaction. (The vast majority of humans do not realize this overall problem with their position, just like Africans in Sahel do not realize they have famine; they don’t seek solution to this problem because they haven’t recognized it – editor’s note.)”
“One needs to recognize and to acknowledge first the fact that his/ her lifestyle is not what it seems to be. And, secondly, one needs to express an intense desire to change the status quo. This is where the spiritual transformation process comes in. It gives humans the revelation of the true state of affairs. It puts them in control of their life and their choices. It prepares them for the life in the positive state, after the body is put aside, without the necessity to continue indefinitely in the life of the negative state somewhere in the Hells. It gives one hope and joy of the future fulfillment of the promise by The Lord Jesus Christ. It gives one a true sense, meaning and perspective of one’s life on your planet. You control the problems. The problems no longer control you. The problems will always be there, as long as you live in that body, but you will be their master and not their slave. And you will be the master of your life from within to without. This is the true purpose of the spiritual transformation process. Nothing more, at this point, should be put into it. If you want to accomplish this, just follow the procedures outlined in the previous Chapter of this book.”
“Now, having completed this phase of experimentation (fabrication of humans), and having established fully the dominance of the activated negative state in the entire Zone of Displacement and on planet Zero, having become uncontested rulers and dictators of their domain, the pseudo-creators proceeded with the next phase of experimentation. This phase relates to the plan that was conceived by them at the time your planet was successfully populated by the cavehuman and then the development of the human civilization was on its way.”
“Some of you might be questioning why, at this point, The Most High did not eliminate the negative state. After all, the pseudo-creators won and the full exposure of the nature of the negative state was accomplished.”
“Two things are wrong with this conclusion: One, up to that point, the negative state was by imposition and not by free choice. As you remember from Chapter IX in the book Major Ideas of The New Revelation, nothing can be learned by imposition but only by free choice. Actually, the illustration of the consequences of the negative state cannot properly take place until the negative state is freely chosen as a preferred style of life.”
“In the process of the activation of the negative state, two phases were necessary: First, the activation itself. The process of activation is by force and imposition. The creatures, fabricated by the pseudocreators, had no alternative choice but to be negative. It took the incarnation of Jesus Christ to give them that choice or a different alternative. The second phase is the illustration of the consequences, outcomes and results of that activation. This second phase could not start until The Lord Jesus Christ left your planet. It is based on freedom to be negative.”
“In the process of initial activation, no one in Creation wanted to choose to be negative and to illustrate the consequences of the dominating negative state. This is the reason why a different breed of creatures had to be fabricated. On these creatures the negative state was imposed as the only alternative in life.”
“As you know, even at the present time, many creatures in the Zone of Displacement, as well as many humans, have no idea that anything else but what they have, or where they are, exists. Once this situation with the creatures and humans was fully established, The First Coming of Jesus Christ took place. One of the major outcomes of The First Coming was that The Lord Jesus Christ liberated all creatures from the necessity of being negative, giving them an alternative choice. Elimination of the negative state at this stage, until it had a choice to prove itself as a chosen lifestyle, would have been premature, leading to no true new learning.”
“The second wrong thing with the above-formulated question is that, at that time, before incarnation of Jesus Christ on your planet, The Most High did not contain within His/Her nature any elements from the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero. In order to successfully eliminate the negative state without having those elements, The Most High would have had to appear in the Zone of Displacement and on your planet in His/Her full essence and substance. If this were to happen, the entire Zone of Displacement and planet Zero with all their inhabitants would instantaneously, in one blink of an eye, perish.”
“If the Zone of Displacement were to perish, the continuously rejected ideas of the free choice to deny God and His/Her spiritual principles, would have no place to fall out. Therefore, they would strike back at their senders, annihilating them in the process.”
“Thus, the entire Creation would perish. Creation cannot bear the idea that it has no opportunity to get rid of such ideas and no place to dispose of them. In this case, these ideas would have to be accepted as valid. The idea that God exists and is the only source of life and the idea that God does not exist or is not the true and only source of life cannot be true at the same time. But, if one of these ideas is not exposed or rejected properly, having no place to fall out, it strikes back and requires its acceptance as truth. In this case, both ideas must be accepted as being true. Such a contradictory acceptance would lead to the instant insanity and suicide of all in Creation.”
“Surely, The Most High could have created another Creation, another multiverse. But the entire process would have to be repeated again and again because of that existential question, formulated in this book and other books of The New Revelation by this transmitter. The Lord Jesus Christ, who at that time was The Most High, does not operate that way.”
“For that reason, a special Grand Plan of Salvation was devised by The Most High which relates to the content and meaning of both The First Coming and The Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. The pseudocreators’ first major phase of experimentation, with its numerous subphases, was only half of their plan. The second half of that plan was much more daring and much more mysterious in comparison to the first one.”
“The full content of that plan and the means by which it was partially completed, cannot be revealed at this time, if at all. Only the major ideas of that plan can be revealed (but not its process).”
“The second phase of experimentation was directed toward the development of special psychic powers and conquest of their mind and body that would almost equal the power of The Most High. It is said ‘almost.’ The reason for this ‘almost’ is in the fact that none of the pseudo-creators were absolute. They all were created. Therefore, they lacked the experience of The Absolute state. But this could be circumvented by the sheer numbers. If you fabricate enough creatures of such immense power and condition, the cumulative sum of all of them eventually will equal the power of The Most High. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9) tells this story.”
“So, the pseudo-creators continued in their experimentation until they succeeded in developing a special and unusual life form of the most pure evil that almost equaled the power of pure good of The Most High. In this form they fused all their own genes and all modified genes from the genetic pool of all life forms they had from the first androgynous people on your planet. This unusual combination gave birth to the most powerful, potent and unimaginably intelligent hybrid that has ever been or ever will be conceived, born or developed.“
“Once this was accomplished, all pseudo-creators relinquished their former forms and entered this newly developed hybrid and became truly ‘gods.’ (Various human mythologies, containing the stories of life of ‘gods,’ their pantheon and their powers and immortality and how they influenced human life, such as, for example, Greek and Roman mythologies, reflect the fact of the pseudo-creators becoming ‘gods’).”
“With such a new state and condition, the pseudo-creators then proceeded to conceive a plan to travel further backward in time to the moment BEFORE any creation was actualized and realized. The new hybridized pseudo-creators believed that, if they were able to catch God before any sentient entities existed, He/She would have no support of Creation and, therefore, would be more vulnerable to the defeat or, at least, to the negotiation for sharing His/Her powers with them. This situation is reflected in the prophecy of Isaiah, Chapter 63, verse 5,”
“‘I looked, but there was no one to help, and I wondered that there was no one to uphold: therefore my own arm brought salvation for Me; and my own fury, it sustained Me;’”
“The word ‘fury,’ in this connotation, does not mean human emotion of fury. It means realization of The Absolute Power of The Lord Jesus Christ which cannot be corrupted by any negotiation or dealings with the negative state; in this case, with the new hybridized pseudocreators.”
“The completion of this phase of the experiment prompted the incarnation of The Lord Jesus Christ. The physical birth of Jesus Christ on your planet postponed the pseudo-creators’ travel to that period. Now they needed to concentrate on the destruction of His/Her mission. That mission was ENDANGERING their whole plan. So, the travel was postponed INDEFINITELY.”
“Notice, please, that it is not by coincidence that the birth of Jesus Christ happened at the time the pseudo-creators succeeded in their own negative transformation or, to be precise, transmogrification. Also, it is not by coincidence that the process of Jesus Christ’s birth followed or paralleled the same principles of hybridization used by the pseudocreators. This parallel can give a false impression that The Most High borrowed this process from the pseudo-creators. Just the opposite is true. The pseudo-creators used the stolen principles of life-making process from The Most High which they appropriated to themselves as their own.“
“Originally, all sentient entities received this knowledge from their Creator. It was ingrained in their genes. Thus, it was fully available to them from the genetic material they inherited from the first people on your planet. The process of creation of infinite varieties of sentient and non-sentient life is by the process of hybridization.”
“Initially, there is an idea of creation and sentient entities. That idea occurs in The Absolute Mind of The Most High. After its occurrence, the idea proceeds to its projection outside of that Mind as its own independent sentient life form. Once that life form appears, it builds its own genetic pool. From that pool, various genes are used and combined with the particles emanating from the life force which, in turn, emits unceasingly from the activities of The Absolute Mind of The Most High — The Lord Jesus Christ. The combination of these elements gives rise to entirely different sentient life forms. This goes on and on to eternity.”
“However, none of these sentient entities contain a direct Absolute Element, taken out from The Most High. They are the original ideas of The Most High but they are not The Most High (for more on this issue see the books Fundamentals of Human Spirituality and Four Concepts of The Spiritual Structure of Creation). There was only one exception to this rule from eternity to eternity — the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ. In that birth, as you remember from Chapter Two of this book, an element was used from the most external part of The Absolute Exterior Mind of The Most High which was fused and hybridized with the two elements of the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero taken out from the genes of Joseph and Mary.”
“This was a necessary procedure in order to stop the pseudo-creators. The only way they could be stopped, without the annihilation of anyone in the process, was by using their own weapons, their own fabrication in the form of the feeble human body, making it divine through a special process of divinization, as described in Chapter Two, and with that body, or to what it corresponds, enter their domain and isolate them from the rest of Creation and the Zone of Displacement.”
“No other way would work. These are the rules of the Zone of Displacement. One has to follow all rules first, in order to have a first hand knowledge of them, before one can conquer and overcome them. Everyone, including The Lord Jesus Christ, has to follow this rule. Having previously no direct tangible physical and intimate experience of life of the negative state, Jesus Christ could do nothing, unless, of course, He/She would want to destroy them and the entire Creation (which, by the way, had never entered His/Her Mind). Therefore, for the sake of salvation of the entire Creation and for the sake of eventual complete and eternal elimination of the negative state, The Most High, as Jesus Christ, volunteered to come down into the Zone of Displacement, live in the type of body originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators, experience the negative state, first hand, and enter the Hells of the pseudo-creators and lock them up indefinitely.”
“In the process, The Lord Jesus Christ removed from the pseudo-creators the knowledge of time travel and weakened their powers, acquired through that mysterious negative transmogrification, as briefly described above. He/She then separated and isolated them in a special state and region, accessible to no one until recently, and gave them the full taste of isolation and separation they so effectively imposed on their fabricated humans and other creatures of the Zone of Displacement and the Hells. This is their just due. From that time on, the pseudo-creators have had absolutely no access to anyone or anything, and until recently, no one was allowed, for safety reasons, to enter their region. No one had the knowledge but The Lord Jesus Christ of how to locate their whereabouts or contact them.”
“This separation was a necessary step in order to give everyone an opportunity to experience the negative state and all its consequences by free choice and not by a necessity. With the pseudo-creators on the scene, no such experience would be possible. They would be in control of the situation and they would continue to impose the negative state on people. However, with this present state of affairs, the mystery of the pseudo-creators has not ended. There is one more drastic step that needs to be taken, before all their story, and everything that they caused, can permanently and eternally end. Some aspects of that mysterious step will be revealed in the next Chapter.”
“He/she who has ears to hear and to listen, let him/her hear and listen to what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals in this Chapter.”
1141. Some brief clarifications on the structure and nature of the zone of displacement (Received by Peter D. Francuch)
May 18, 1988, early in the morning. Place: Santa Barbara, California, USA.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
On May 18, 1988, early in the morning, at dawn, the word of The Lord Jesus Christ came to me, saying,
“Some additional brief comments need to be made about the structure and the nature of the Zone of Displacement, particularly concerning its inhabitants. As you remember, this structure and nature was described in Chapter Thirteen of the book Reality, Myths & Illusions and in Chapters One and Three of the booklet Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation and throughout other books by this transmitter.”
“At that time, it was indicated that, basically, the structure of the Zone of Displacement imitates the structure of the positive state, being its reverse reflection or an ugly caricature of the nature of Creation. The hierarchy of the organization of the Zone of Displacement is similar to the hierarchy of the spiritual organization of the true Creation, except that it has a totally different, diametrically opposing purpose.”
“As mentioned previously, it is an error to assume that the Hells, for example, are in one area of the spiritual world concentrated in one specific region paralleling Creation. The Zone of Displacement is an anti-universe, consisting of its own vast three dimensions:”
”the anti-spiritual dimension or its own pseudo-world, commonly known to humans
as the Hells;
the anti-intermediate dimension or its pseudo-intermediate world;
and the anti-natural dimension or its pseudo-physical world.”
“Each of these dimensions consists of its own pseudo-galaxies, pseudo-solar systems and pseudo-planets. They are all under THE RULE OF THE HELLS — their most pseudo-within pseudo-spiritual world.”
“Moreover, the Zone of Displacement has one peculiarity within its realm that, actually and specifically, does not correspond to anything — planet Zero. The correspondences of planet Zero are diffused and nonspecific. Its very peculiar and special role requires this arrangement.“
“As you know, until the incarnation of The Most High in the form of Jesus Christ, the entire Zone of Displacement was under uncontested rule of the pseudo-creators. After that incarnation, specifically after resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ, the pseudo-creators were stripped of their ruling position, separated from the rest of the Zone of Displacement and its Hells and locked up until recently.”
“From that time on, the full control of the Zone of Displacement has belonged to The Lord Jesus Christ Who rules it, as you remember, by THE LAW OF PERMISSION.”
“While the pseudo-creators were in power, they established a certain hierarchical and political structure of the Zone of Displacement, patterned after such a structure of the real Creation. The reason why this structure pervertedly copies the structure of the real Creation is because the pseudo-creators needed something that would be an exact opposite replica of the original. It is easier to wage war against something you copy in all its details.”
“Another reason was in the building material available to them. As you know that material came, and still comes, from the rejected and repudiated ideas of all positive sentient entities about deriving life from any other source other than that of The Lord Jesus Christ (this is one general content of that idea). Because that idea is occurring in the sentient mind, it reflects the structure of that sentient mind. The sentient mind, in turn, reflects the structure of the hierarchy of the spiritual organization of Creation and its multiverse.”
“For that reason, it was easy to read out the structure in question from the content and nature of those rejected ideas. From that, the pseudo-creators knew how to build an opposing and diametrically different world — as far as its purpose is concerned.”
“In the original setup, the pseudo-creators functioned in the role of God — The Creator — who ruled the entire pseudo-creation. In actuality, from among themselves, they selected, through a secret vote, one member who was assigned the role of the supreme god. That ‘god,’ in turn, appointed the members of the ruling political body that was assigned various functions in order to assure the proper government of the entire Zone of Displacement.”
“At the time of the original fabrication and establishment of the Hells, the pseudo-creators also fabricated special types of creatures that were to correspond, in the negative sense, of course, in power, role and position, to the various spiritual entities created by The Most High for the purpose of co-creating and governing the multiverse.”
“In this respect, there are nine very broad and general categories of entities in the Zone of Displacement (besides the pseudo-creators), originally fabricated by them. They all have very specific assignments, roles and degree and extent of political and other mind powers within the realm of the Zone of Displacement.”
“Within these nine very broad and general categories, each category consists of its own numerous subcategories that have their own names, functions and roles and a specific position within the hierarchy of that structure. It is not necessary for you to concern yourself with these numerous subcategories and their names or roles. It would only confuse your mind — so complex and intricate they are.”
“You are permitted to know some limited brief information about the nine basic general and broad categories of these creatures in order to be aware of THEIR INFLUENCES ON THE HUMAN MIND, so that you may PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THEIR INFLUENCE. The subcategories of these major categories function within the authority of their major categories, serving them in their main role and assignment.”
“The first category, which is on the top of them all, can be called pseudo-powers and pseudo-seraphim. They were fabricated by the pseudo-creators first in order to help them to fabricate and establish the Hells and all other creatures. This is a ruling or legislative body of the Hells which develops, formulates and establishes various policies by which the entire Zone of Displacement, at all its levels, is being ruled. At the present time, and after the lockup of the pseudo-creators, it is from this category that a pseudo-god is appointed who rules all the Hells and the rest of the Zone of Displacement. The pseudo-creators cannot be on the top any longer because their position is now occupied by The Lord Jesus Christ Who permits, for the time being and for the sake of the important spiritual lessons, that all else in this respect remains the same there.”
“For the sake of freedom of choice, all members of the Hells need to have an impression that they rule themselves. There are other immensely important reasons why this situation was permitted by The Lord Jesus Christ to continue, even after He/She took away the reign of the pseudo-creators. Some of these reasons were revealed previously. Others are beyond the scope of human comprehension.”
“The second category, which succeeds the first one, can be called pseudo-potentates, pseudo-cherubim and pseudo-teraphim. Their role and position can be compared to the judicial branch of human governments. They are, in a sense, interpreters of all pseudo-principles developed by the above-described first category of the hellish creatures. They are the final arbiters of the pseudo-justice of the Zone of Displacement.”
“The third category of these creatures is called the Devil. The devil consists of the numerous creatures who are in full charge of production of all evils in the entire Zone of Displacement and their subsequent successful spread and justification.”
“The fourth category of these creatures is called Satan. It consists of the creatures who are in full charge of production and spread of all falsities, perversions and distortions throughout the Zone of Displacement, and their justification.”
“The fifth category is called Lucifer. It consists of the creatures who can be compared to the ideologists who are in charge of all the propaganda of the Zone of Displacement, particularly against the positive state. Their basic role is to portray the positive state as the most ugly and negative one and the negative state as the most positive and desirable one. They are masters of persuasion, demagogy and mind power of suggestion and influence.”
“The sixth category is called Demons. Demons are in charge of all internal and external security of the entire Zone of Displacement. They also can be compared to the ruling body of the military forces. One of their powerful branches is in charge of espionage and spying on all members of the negative state in order to make sure that no one deviates from the rules and lifestyle of the negative state. They are assigned the role of maintaining tight security around the encapsulated true sentient mind within the human mind and all other creatures’ minds and keeping in separation their pseudo-mind from any influence of the true sentient mind.”
“The seventh category is called pseudo-archangels. The pseudo-archangels head the law enforcement agencies within the entire Zone of Displacement. From the formulated pseudo-principles and pseudo-laws, which are coming from the top, they develop a means for implementing these pseudo-laws within the entire realm of the Zone of Displacement.”
“The eighth category is called pseudo-angels or angels of darkness. These creatures are in charge of law enforcement. They are actually a police force that makes sure that everyone abides by the established local pseudo-laws.”
“Finally, the ninth category is called spirits. They have two broad independent subcategories: One is called the negative spirits and the other is called the evil spirits. The negative spirits are usually the minions of Satan. They exemplify life of all falsities, distortions and perversion of truth. They set a concrete example of life in accordance with the satanic pseudo-principles of falsities. The evil spirits, on the other hand, are the minions of the devil. Their role is to exemplify the lifestyle of all evilness in being and existence. These evil spirits set a concrete example of life in accordance with the diabolical pseudo-principles of evils. Most humans who enter the Hells by their choice become either the negative spirits or the evil spirits. Humans never rise ‘higher’ (lower!) than the rank of pseudo-archangels.”
“Such is the basic hierarchical structure of the Zone of Displacement and the nature of its government.”
“As you see, the political structure of the governments on planet Zero derives basically, in the literal sense, from the structure of the Zone of Displacement in general. However, some differences exist between the structure of the Hells and the structure of planet Zero. Planet Zero has a certain minimal degree of a diffused correspondence to the positive state.”
“This positive correspondence gives some governmental political structure of certain countries on your planet which is called ‘democracy.’ These very few countries on your planet give their citizens some degree of liberties and freedom of expression that exist nowhere else in the Zone of Displacement and all its Hells. A good example of this arrangement is the political system established in The United States of America. However, as you know, from the original state of those liberties and freedom, at the time of its foundation, a gradual erosion of these liberties and freedoms occurred. And, although The United States of America is still the freest country on your planet, this situation is deteriorating at an alarming rate for you. It reflects the gradual full takeover of your planet by the negative state.“
“The above-described structure and the nature of the Zone of Displacement has one very important implication for those who practice spiritual hypnotherapy and the process of going inward.”
“As you remember, in Chapter Five of this book, it was indicated that each forcefully separated and isolated level of the human mind (the true most within Spiritual Mind, the true interior mind and the true exterior mind) is encapsulated by a special state which simulates the function and the purpose of the level of the original mind. Thus, to repeat,
(1) the true most within spiritual mind is encapsulated by the false most within spiritual mind;
(2) the true interior mind is encapsulated by the false interior mind; and
(3) the true exterior mind is encapsulated by the false external mind.”
“In that Chapter, it was also pointed out that to each such pseudo-mind are assigned numerous demons that not only keep these minds functional and in the foreground, but they also control the guardians of the respective infinitesimally small openings from the true mind in order to block any possible truth and reality from coming out and from entering one’s conscious mind in their true, undistorted, non-falsified and non-perverted condition.”
“Because the structural nature of these false minds is a perverted reflection of the structural nature of the true mind, each false mind is assigned a set of pseudo-spiritual advisors in the same manner as the true sentient mind in humans is assigned by The Lord Jesus Christ a set of the true spiritual advisors. The number of the true spiritual advisors is precisely matched by the number of demons who function in the role of the pseudo-spiritual advisors. The only difference in this arrangement is that these kinds of demons function from the position of separation and isolation of one mind. After all, it is their role, as of security officers of the Hells, to keep that mind separated and isolated. On the other hand, the true spiritual advisors, assigned by The Lord Jesus Christ, function from the position of unity and oneness.”
“For this reason, the true spiritual advisors appear only on the level of the most within Spiritual Mind as an integrating source of the entire sentient mind.”
“Because of this crucial difference, each false mind is assigned a set of demons — false spiritual advisors — in a matching number to the true spiritual advisors. Thus, you have a set of false spiritual advisors at the level of the false most within spiritual mind. Another set is assigned to the false interior mind. And a third set is positioned at the level of the false external mind. Thus, for example, if you have a total number of true spiritual advisors which equals ten, then you will have ten demons — pseudo-advisors at the level of the false most within spiritual mind; ten at the level of the false interior mind and ten at the level of the false external mind. You have here thirty demons against ten true spiritual advisors. This is how tight security of the negative state is.”
“So, in order to successfully deal with this situation, during the process of encountering these demons, special attention must be given to those demons who play the role of the false spiritual advisors. At this point of your work on yourself, it is very easy to overlook these particular demons, because they assume the exact likeness and image of your true spiritual advisors. In this manner, it is very easy to be deceived and to have a feeling of false security. You think you are dealing with your true, genuine spiritual advisors, while, in fact, you are dealing with demons who pretend to be them.”
“For this reason, you are advised to scrutinize very thoroughly and to check, double-check and triple-check all demons and spiritual advisors that shift with you to the interior and external level of your mind. In the process of that shift — from one level to another — the substitution of the true spiritual advisors by the false ones usually takes place. Once you complete the shift, you are advised to recheck your reappearing spiritual advisors, making sure that they are who they are supposed to be.”
“The best way to circumvent this deception is to directly deal with these types of demons at each level of the pseudo-mind and address them first. You tell them that you know that they are there; that you know their role and their function and that, before proceeding further, you are reminding them of their inherent ability to choose and to change. You send them away from you to that special region, established by The Lord Jesus Christ for this special purpose, between the Hells and the intermediate world.”
“In that region they are processed and given a choice of either conversion to the positive state or being locked up in some prison of their respective Hells where they are to bear all the consequences for their acts and foolish choices.“
“After you deal with those demons first, then and only then proceed with the rest of the demons who are in charge of the guardians. Subsequently after the removal of these specific demons, you are to liberate and convert the guardians in the manner described in Chapter Five of this book.”
“And this is all you need to know about this issue at this time.”
“If anyone has ears to hear, let him/her hear what The Lord Jesus Christ reveals about this issue.”
1144. Who are you and why are you here ? (Received by Peter D. Francuch)
Published in 1984. Place: Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
Excerpt from book “Who Are You and Why Are You Here ?”, first chapter.
Is the history of mankind and thus the history of your origin, as described in various scientific and religious books, a correct one ? Are you really who they say you are ? What is the true reality about all of this ?
“Once you succeed in your efforts to get in touch with your innermost Self, your Inner Mind, and the Most High in your Inner Mind, the first lesson that you will be taught is as follows:
Everything that you have ever learned about yourself, about your life and life in general, about the origin of mankind and everything else, is either a gross distortion of how it all really began, happened and is now unfolding or it is totally wrong. You have it all upside-down. You live in an upside-down world and need to learn or relearn everything anew.
Thus the first step that you need to take is to carefully and thoroughly free yourself from all opinions, views, attitudes and belief systems held on these issues up to this point in your life. You cannot succeed in opening up the true knowledge of yourself and your life if you try to open the door to yourself from the position which you have been holding up until this time. If you use the old key to this door, represented by the belief systems, that you have been deriving from throughout your life, you will fail miserably. You can, in fact, become more ignorant and confused about yourself and everything else than ever before.
The second important lesson that you learn from your true self, situated within your true Inner Mind, is that in order to discover the truth about yourself, about who you are, and why you are here and concerning all matters related to this issue, you need to be willing to give up everything that you now believe to be true. This includes all of your currently held religious, scientific, philosophical, psychological or other beliefs.
As you have noticed, emphasis is placed upon your willingness (from your own free will) to give up old belief systems. It does not say that you must completely give them up, but rather that you show a willingness to give them up, so that you may acquire knowledge of the true reality of yourself and your life. Willingness is the new key which will unlock the real door to a vast treasury of true knowledge and wisdom revealing who you are and why you are here. If you are not willing to do so, this door can never be opened.
Why is it necessary to be willing to give up what you believe to be true? The simple reason is that, if you approach yourself with false ideas about yourself, or at least with a possibility that your understanding of these matters could be false, you will not be able to objectively see yourself in the way you really are. Instead, you will be biased and look upon yourself through the eyes of your own particular belief systems. This, in turn, will lead you to accept only those things about yourself and others, which are agreeable with your own belief system. This is a biased approach and at the same time a self-fulfilling prophecy type of approach. This approach finds only those things which your belief system expects or permits, but it does not come from your true self. This is what rigid belief systems do to people. Therefore it is important that you keep your mind and heart open and be willing to admit that the knowledge you have about all matters of life, yourself and others may be distorted or entirely false.
There are two belief systems about the origin of the Universe and life on this planet, including your own origin. They are the scientific and the religious.
The scientific approach teaches us that life occurred by mere chance. It contends that life is a combination of some kind of chemical formulas such as, for example, a carbon-oxygen-protein combination. Life presumably developed by itself, in and of itself, in an evolutionary manner, without any creative source or originator of life. Simply stated, life is supposed to have started on this planet by sheer accident, without any advance planning or thought out process whatsoever. Life then, supposedly started from a simple unintelligent amoebic protein cell. Over many millions or billions of years, by the process of evolution, these primitive cells presumably developed into intelligent forms of life which eventually culminated in human beings as we know them today.
This so-called scientific approach fails to explain properly how it is possible for something to evolve from nothing. That is to say, how it is possible that from anything dead, non-living, such as inanimate matter, for example, something as highly evolved, living, complex and self-aware as human beings can evolve. How can life originate from non-life? ,
For this reason, we must discard scientific explanations for the origin of life and of your true self as misleading. The problem with scientific explanations is that they only consider the outward, physical, bodily form of life. This consideration presumes that the body in itself and by itself, originates life in the body. A good example of this misleading approach would be like trying to explain the function of your body from the clothing you wear. An even better example of this approach is if you were to state that your body developed from the outer garments. This is a very good example of what the upside-down position (one in which we all live) is all about. Unfortunately, this is how modern science tends to explain the origin of all life. The misleading nature of scientific explanations, as seen from the above examples, is obvious without further comment.
The second approach that many people adopt in this respect is the so-called Biblical or religious approach. Religious approach claims that life was created from one Absolute Source of life - God, who is uncreated and who is life, in Himself and by Himself. This view contends that God created the entire Creation and human beings, either from out of nothing or "by the words of His mouth." The process of this supposed creation is described in the first chapter of Genesis, the first book of the Holy Bible. Creation supposedly occurred several thousand years ago and was accomplished by God literally in six earthly days, as measured by physical units of time on planet Earth. Simple as that. No evolution, no evolvement, no nothing.
This explanation contains some grains of truth, reflected in the statement that God is Absolute Source of life, He/She, Who is uncreated and Who is life Himself/Herself and by Himself/ Herself. The problem with this explanation, however, is that it fails to explain why the Creator would create such imperfect creatures as human beings are, with nothing but troubles and problems, and why God, who is the Most High, would want to create alI of the abominal, dangerous, harmful, deadly and poisonous creatures which we encounter everyday on this planet?
This approach also fails to explain obvious discrepancies that exist between one's understanding of the literal, Biblical description of the process of creation in six earthly days, several thousand years ago, and convincing scientific proof that human life has been in existence on this planet for several million years.
Therefore, this approach has to be rejected as misleading, despite the fact that it agrees with our statement that non-life cannot originate any life, and that life must originate from some kind of uncreated source of life. This uncreated Source of life is always without beginning and end. It creates for various reasons, all other forms of life by its own will and desire.
Once again, however, this approach fails to properly explain why this Source (which people call God, and which we shall call the Most High) decides to produce other forms of life? What is the purpose of such a production?
This approach also violates the principle that God can create things and beings from either nothing, or "by the words of His mouth." Once again, from nothing nothing can originate. As far as creation "by the words of His mouth is concerned," no one properly understands what God's words mean and contain.
From the preceding comments, one can see that the explanation of the origin of life and your origin advanced by traditional religions are equally disappointing and as misleading as the scientific ones.
Has it ever occurred to you that there might be a third explanation, one entirely different and apart from the other two? Could it be that both scientific and religious approaches are very wrong and that things happen in an entirely different manner than we have been told they did? Yes, there is . . . Let us call this third approach or explanation the spiritual method.
The spiritual approach was discovered "within" people's Inner Minds. While working professionally with people and with myself, I have developed a procedure for establishing contact with one's Inner Mind. After firm contact was established, I began to receive important revelations about these matters. The results then led me to the development of a new theory and working methodology which I described in my other, more professionally oriented books ("Principles of Spiritual Hypnosis," "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality," "Messages From Within," "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation," "Intensive Spiritual Hypnotherapy" and "Reality, Myths and Illusions"). Those of you who are interested in a deeper philosophical understanding of these issues will find it in these books.
This approach and explanation, which was revealed to me by the Most High in my Inner Mind and in the Inner Mind of other people, claims that both the scientific and traditional religious approaches are incorrect, although they do contain some grains of truth. But those grains of truth are buried under huge mountains of distortion which completely block any access to the true knowledge of what really and truly happened and how it all began. However, the time now is ripe for anyone who is interested to know the truth.
Now, we shall summarize this revelation for you. It is up to you to decide whether you accept it or not. In chapter four you will be given an opportunity to get in touch with your own Inner Mind and to ask the Most High in your Inner Mind whether things really happened as described below.
First of all the Most High does not create things and beings from nothing. This would be in violation of His/Her own order and principle. Secondly, creating things and beings by the word of His mouth does not mean that God says a word and that word becomes reality. This is a description of the literal sense of the Bible. What it really means, is that His every word is pure truth and wisdom and that God's mouth signifies His love and good.
Thus, the Most High created His/Her Creation, in its original form, from His/Her love and good (by mouth) through His/ Her wisdom and truth (by words). Because the Most High is pure Love and Good and pure Wisdom and Truth, in Himself and by Himself, He/She created everything from and by Himself/Herself; not from nothing or by meaningless, empty sounding words. How this process of creation occurred was described in "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality" and "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" to which all interested are referred. The description of the process of creation would be too complex and outside the scope of this book. Here it is sufficient to say that Creation did not, and does not take place in time and space, as scientific and Biblical literal approach would lead you to believe. All Creation takes place outside of or without time and space. Therefore, to talk about time and place (space) in the process of creation is total foolishness. Time and place (space) were introduced in the process of creation relative to the position of various celestial bodies and the relationship of their inhabitants with one another.
It is very difficult for us who deal only in time, place and units, and nothing else, to understand what creation - without the presence of time and space - really does mean. How is it possible? We do not have any concrete notion or comparable idea of that kind of situation. The best we can do in this respect is to compare time, space and units with our own experiences of various states and conditions. When we are engaged in a pleasant, delightful, peaceful and happy event, time becomes meaningless to us and we are later immensely surprised to learn how much time elapsed.
The opposite is also true; when one is bored to death, so to speak, every minute seems to drag on like an hour. When one drives a car with something important in mind, one spontaneously goes into a deep trance. Here, the distance between one's point of departure and destination seems almost non-existent. Suddenly one is there, without even remembering how the journey was accomplished. On the other hand, when one is bored, the entire trip seems to be very long and arduous.
These examples give an approximate idea of what it is like to do something without the presence of time and space or place. It is sufficient to realize that the Most High is not limited by any time and space and therefore, He/She creates without time and space. (The reason that I use both "He/She" is that the Most High contains an equal distribution of all principles of masculinity and femininity within Himself/Herself. There is no preference for one principle over the other as there is with humans on Earth.)
But we do not have words in our human language which can express this state of timeless, spaceless condition from which the Most High creates. Unfortunately, for certain important spiritual reasons, our language is built from the elements of time and place, and utilizes only words that are time and placebound. Therefore, whatever we attempt to describe and to understand, we always describe and understand it in terms of time and place. This is the only language which is available to us at present. As you will see later, this situation was not always the case.
Thus, both science and the Holy Bible in their description of the events are grossly limited by this type of language and its ability to express things properly. Nothing else is available at the moment, nor, to be precise, has been available for the last few million years.
The Biblical account of Creation is not a description of the physical creation of the planet Earth in time and space, it is rather something entirely different. Does it seem reasonable that the Bible as a spiritual book, written for the spiritual education of people, should deal with such a non-spiritual subject as the physical creation of planet Earth and its inhabitants? It is more likely that the Creation story is describing some spiritual event or process but is bound by our human concepts of time, place and material existence.
Now, if this is true, what is the Holy Bible telling us?
As it was revealed by the Most High, through the great Swedish scientist, philosopher, mystic and theologian, Emanuel Swedenborg, over two hundred years ago, the Holy Bible is written in correspondences, or in representative meanings. Each word in the Holy Bible contains something purely spiritual which is represented by its literal meaning. Thus what you read in the Bible in the literal sense, is only an appearance of truth which contains real spiritual truths. For example, consider the common language we use when we say that "the sun is rising" and "the sun is setting." Everyone should know that this is not the truth. It is only an appearance of truth. The real truth is that the earth revolves on its own axis around the sun. This situation creates an illusion as if the sun is moving, while, in fact, it is the earth that is moving around the sun. This is a good example of what real truth and the appearance of truth are all about. Often, what seems to be true is not necessarily the truth.
To illustrate this situation for proper understanding, let us briefly interpret the first five verses, in chapter one of Genesis in the Holy Bible. It will give you an idea of how the Biblical description should be appropriately interpreted.
Verse one of Genesis, "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND EARTH." "IN THE BEGINNING," means the "days of eternity" and the first step, when a human being begins the process of change, from being negative, evil, ignorant and adverse, living in an upside-down position, into becoming positive, good, progressive and placing everything in a right side-up position. "GOD," signifies in this connotation, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, the Former from the womb, the Maker and the Creator. "HEAVENS," means the internal man or the Inner Mind of everyone. (The Kingdom of Heaven is within.) The word "AND" signifies the interior mind of every human being which connects heaven and earth: Heaven - the Inner Mind, "AND" - the interior mind or connection to the earth. "EARTH" here, means the external man or the external conscious, everyday type of mind from which humans on planet Earth derive everything in their lives. For more on these minds, see the next chapter.
"THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM" means that a human being, before change, had nothing of truth. He/she possessed no appropriate knowledge or understanding in his/her external conscious mind; and "VOID" means that there was nothing of good or nothing of positive in his/her external conscious mind. This situation, that is, the lack of any truth and the lack of any good resulted in "DARKNESS." The "DARKNESS" meant people's foolishness, stupidity and ignorance about all things concerning themselves, their true essence and substance, regarding God, Creation and faith in God. Thus, it pertained to everything spiritual and heavenly, and in the ultimate sense, everything that relates to that question "who you really are and why you are here," and other profound questions.
"THE FACE OF THE DEEP" means all external, outward, useless activities of the negative people from the position of their conscious external mind before their change. These external, outward, useless activities people considered to be the only life. From this consideration originates all kinds of false conclusions and belief systems about who you really are, why are you here, what life is all about, what Creation is all about, what God is all about and all other important matters.
By "THE SPIRIT OF GOD" is meant the Lord Jesus Christ's mercy, which "HOVERS" or moves over such things that are stored, hidden or treasured in everyone's Inner Mind. This part of everyone's mind is called, in the Holy Bible, "REMAINS" or "REMNANTS." They store the proper, right and correct knowledge of that which is true and of that which is good, and about the true essence and substance of your own self. Furthermore, this "REMAINS" store the proper knowledge of what really happened to human life on planet Earth, how life was originated, and how Creation occurred, proceeded and became. This knowledge is hidden and cannot come to light as long as we rely upon and derive everything from the external conscious mind and its myths, illusions and perversions arising from the so-called upside-down position. The first step in discovering the entrance to our Inner Mind, is to replace those myths, illusions, perversions - and the upside-down position with a correct and appropriate knowledge of what is truly good, truly true and therefore, truly real. This true knowledge is stored in our Inner Minds and is called "THE FACE OF THE WATERS."
"THEN GOD SAID" means that the Lord Jesus Christ from His mercy steers us from within, from our Inner Mind, where the Lord is always present. By God's steering we are brought to the recognition, realization and acknowledgement of the fact that many things which we consider to be true, real and good are in fact, not true, not good and not real. We begin to see that they are false, evil and unreal. This meaning is revealed by the words "LET THERE BE LIGHT " In the moment there is "LIGHT" we realize that only the Lord Jesus Christ is the true light, the true reality, and that He is goodness and truth in Himself/Herself and by Himself/Herself. It also signifies that for the first time we realize that many things in our life which we consider to be good, are in fact, not good. Instead, they derive or stem from our self-love or egoism and from our love for the outward, external, momentary, passing things of this world which are ultimately self-destructive and destructive to others. Therefore, they cannot be in any way good or profitable. So, we see that many things which we consider to be true are, in fact, not true because they favor, justify, excuse and rationalize our false loves, our egoism, and our false belief systems. They also lead us to clinging to, and dependence upon the external, temporary, transient, unreal, illusionary and useless things that rule our earthly lives. Once we have this realization, "THERE IS LIGHT" in us. This light allows the second step to come to its fruition.
"AND GOD SAW THE LIGHT, THAT IT WAS GOOD," refers to our realization and acknowledgement of the fact that there is no real good and real truth in our external, outward conscious mind. It shows that all good and truth is "within," and comes from our Inner Mind, from the Lord in our Inner Mind, particularly and only from the Lord in our Inner Mind. This realization is good, and therefore it reflects the fact that for the first time we see clearly (we have the "LIGHT," so to speak) from where the real good and the real truth comes. This "SEEING CLEARLY" is the first "GOOD" that we receive from the Most High Who resides in our true Inner Mind. This "SEEING CLEARLY" now allows a clear distinction between that which is good and true, that is, which is from the Most High, and that which is evil and false, that is, which is from our external, conscious, outward mind, or our own egoistic self. This is the true meaning of the words, "AND GOD DIVIDED THE LIGHT FROM DARKESS."
These words signify that whatever comes from God, the Lord Jesus Christ and our true Inner Mind can be compared to day and daylight. In addition, whatever comes from our own egoistic self and its external, outward conscious mind can be compared to night and darkness.
By "EVENING" here is meant everything that was before we realized all these things previously described, for it is a state of no proper knowledge, understanding, faith or truth. In such a state, things are obscure and confusing. They are shaded as in the evening.
By "MORNING" in this case means everything that follows, after we realize the true state of affairs. Thus, "MORNING" means to be in light, that is, to know the truth and to have the right, correct and proper knowledge of how things really are. This is what true faith is all about. In a general sense, "EVENING" means all things which are our own, which are in our consciousness and in our lower unconscious mind and which are in our outward life. "MORNING" means all things which are of and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Most High, One Indivisible God, and from our Inner Mind. This realization and acknowledgement is what is meant by "THE FIRST DAY OF CREATION." It is the first step in our spiritual reawakening, relearning, restructuring and ultimate transformation from being negative, evil and ignorant human beings (ruled by an outward external type of life full of distortions, falsities, evils and egoism) into true human beings. We can then become highly spiritually evolved beings who derive all things from a state of unconditional love and wisdom, meaning from the Most High, by the Most High, through the Most High and with the Most High.
As you can see from this illustrative example, those things being described in the first chapter of the Holy Bible are not specifically referring to the physical creation of planet Earth and humankind in time and space, days and nights. Instead, this chapter contains seven progressive steps and states of changes:
1. reformation,
2. regeneration,
3. enlightenment,
4. reawakening,
5. relearning,
6. restructuring and
7. transformation of a human being.
This human being is gradually transformed by the Most High from the "void, nothingness and darkness" of the external conscious mind (which is built from myths, illusions and pseudo-knowledge) with all its false, distorted, evil and negative ideas into a highly spiritual being (or what Swedenborg called the celestial man).
In this way we come into the true "image and likeness" of God, or a true heaven in human form. This state of the heavens in us is a state of love, wisdom, goodness, truth, and peace. Therefore it is called the seventh day on which God rested from everything that He/She had done. In this connotation, "to rest," does not literally mean to physically do nothing, as the literal sense implies. It is rather interpreted as a state of continuous profound, deep inner peace and satisfaction that stems from unconditional love and wisdom.
If God actually were to rest physically and do nothing more, the entire Creation would perish. The function of Creation is properly maintained by continuous, unceasing creative effort of the Most High. The seventh day, or Sabbath, is a state free of conflict and problems. To keep the Sabbath day, signifies to keep yourself free from conflicts, problems, stresses, tensions and all other negativity. It does not literally mean that you have to do nothing on one particular day.
There is however, an important spiritual principle of balancing of our everyday living. This principle requires that we pay equal attention to rest, fun, humor, play and relaxation. It is done for the purpose of maintaining good spiritual, mental and physical health. In this way we can be in good shape to fulfill our important mission on this planet and perform better use for mutual benefit, common good and sharing with all.
Now you can see how the entire Holy Bible should be conceived, interpreted and understood. (There are precisely thirty-five books in the Old and New Testament containing this kind of inner sense that should be conceived this way. The rest do not contain this inner sense. To learn more about this issue in the Holy Bible, refer to chapter eighteen in the book "Reality" Myths and Illusions." It will also be found in Swedenborg's writings, more particularly in his "The Four Doctrines"- the "Second Doctrine Concerning the Holy Scripture.")
It is erroneous to think that the Most High created the physical universe and its inhabitants first. To the contrary, in its original form, the physical universe and its inhabitants were created last. (The Most High however, never stops creating new things and therefore Creation is a continuous eternal process.)
Now, let us return to the true history of things which happened on planet Earth.
The original first human beings appeared on planet Earth approximately one hundred and forty million years ago. But before the appearance of human beings, the evolution of plant and animal life forms appeared to allow for the development of a physical form of life most suitable for life under the conditions that were specific to planet Earth at that time. This means that neither spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, sexually or physically, did human beings originate and evolve from lower life forms into the higher form of life as a result of the evolutionary chain. From this point of view, the theories of Darwin and his followers are completely wrong. They have fallen into a trap cunningly designed by the negative state.
We shall speak more about this trap briefly in a moment. However, the traditional interpretations of the Holy Bible's literal version concerning the story of Adam and Eve, are also totally wrong. This is especially true when people are led to believe that in the beginning God created one single human being whom He called Adam, and later on, because poor Adam was bored to death alone, God decided to give him a helper, a woman - a second single human being. Thus we have here two single human beings, from whom supposedly the entire humankind on planet Earth descended. We will be briefly discussing what these things actually mean in the next chapter.
The first true human beings were a direct endowment of life from and by the Most High into a physical form created for that purpose by the Most High. This form was patterned after a prototype which was established at that time on planet Earth. It was a most suitable and livable form for the conditions existing at that time. That physical form had some remote resemblance to the then existing ape-like creature (but not an ape as we know it today). This resemblance erroneously led scientists to believe that humans developed from apes, but in reality the first people on planet Earth did not evolve even physically into their present physical appearance from any animal form whatsoever.
The first human beings that appeared on this planet did not appear in the dimension we know, and of which we are aware. It was a different Earth, existing in a totally different dimension and one unknown to us. That dimension had, and has at all times, direct connections with the entire Creation which consists of the true spiritual world, the true intermediate world and the true physical world.
The first original human beings had very little resemblance to what we look like and function like at the present time. Neither did they have vocal cords. Thus communication among early individuals was direct, on the level of their Inner Mind, without the aid of spoken, audible words. Instead, they communicated in ideas, pure thoughts, concepts and images. Externally, they lived in a silent world. Also all plant and animal life of that time had no resemblance to the plant and animal life as we know it today. Only positive, beautiful and peaceful life forms existed on planet Earth at that time.
The physical appearance of the first humans was entirely different from ours. They were giants of immense proportions. They did not have any elimination of urine and feces or any waste from their bodies as we do. Whatever they consumed in the form of food and drink was utilized one hundred percent, being converted into pure physical energy, without leaving any traces of waste. If there was an over utilization of anything in the form of food and drink, it was transformed into stored energy in the stomach and other regions of the body. Usually, this energy emanated from a person as a bright light of various colors. It was also accompanied by a beautiful, scintillating fragrance.
From the very beginning, the first people were created by the Most High into fully developed forms, as fully knowledgeable adult people. At that time, ignorant children were not born. New humans appeared as needed, when needed and where needed by direct endowment and creative effort of the Most High. No physical childbirth existed.
Sexual intercourse was not required for procreation but was carried on solely for pleasure, mutual sharing and exchange of everything that one had and felt with opposite sexual characteristics. In every case, sexual intercourse was specifically used as a means to acquire greater knowledge of the Most High, others and oneself, with only one purpose in mind: for mutual benefit, common good, sharing and use for all. No negative, ulterior, egoistic, possessive, jealous, evil or other adverse thoughts, feelings or desires existed at that time. No knowledge or practice of the negative state was conceivable or even thinkable for them at that time. The first people were created by the Most High in the fullness of all spiritual, mental, physical and scientific knowledge which was available from the entire Creation up to that point. These early humans possessed all knowledge and all wisdom of all the universes and all mankind in the Most High's Creation. No ignorance or unconscious processes, states and conditions or unconscious mind existed. Everything in human mind was conscious, obvious and clear. No illness, disease, infections or any other adverse, negative and deadly states or conditions existed at that time. The average Earthly life-span of the first people was approximately five thousand years. When anyone fulfilled his/her purpose for being on this planet, that one simply left one's physical body and went to the spiritual world to continue one's eternal life of spiritual growth and spiritual progression. There was no death as it is known at the present time.
Originally, approximately four million people were simultaneously endowed with life on planet Earth. Those first four million people are summarily referred in the Holy Bible as "Adam." Their state and condition is described in Biblical symbolic terms as Adam's life in the Garden of Eden, before Eve was created from his rib.
This original and genuine condition of mankind continued for approximately twenty thousand years.
After that time, a second phase in human history on planet Earth began, a period which continued for approximately one hundred million years. This is how long it took for the second round of people to come to the point where the so-called "Fall of Man" was initiated. It took approximately thirty million years in Earthly time for the Fall itself to come to its full realization. Thus, it was not a matter of one day or one night as it appears from a literal sense of the Holy Bible, even though many people believe it lasted only one day and night.
After the first people left planet Earth and the second generation became established here, these humans originally continued with the same lifestyle experienced by the first people. Scientists of that society were in charge of the external arrangements of this world. They were preoccupied with studying the laws and correspondences of the physical world from the standpoint of sensory, physical or bodily organs. The natural position from which they were assigned to study the material world and the physical body was obviously from the outside, by observation. Scientists described these functions for the purpose of aligning and harmonizing natural laws with spiritual, inner laws and establishments. Thus, the scientists of that ancient society were in charge of maintaining continuous unification with, and derivation of everything in the material world and physical body from the spirit, soul, mind and the spiritual world and its laws and establishments. These early scientists made sure that there would not be any occurrence of discord, disharmony or separation of the states and processes of the material world and the human physical body from the spiritual world, from the spiritual Inner Mind and from God.
By the nature of their work these scientists had to observe and describe everything from the outside, that is from the point of view of the material world and from the function of the physical body. Thus, they were limited in their work by the tools which they had, namely: the human sensory organs. This is known to be a safe method of observation as long as one keeps in mind the fact that sensory organs are limited. Moreover, that they originate from spiritual ideas for the purpose of accommodating the living spirit in the physical body and the physical universe. The tragedy starts only when one decides that these human, physical sensory organs are independent of any spiritual laws and that they have their own life, unconnected to or independent of anything or anyone else.
The scientific curiosity of the human mind is proverbial. Consider that the second people on Earth possessed unimaginable (undreamed of by us) knowledge and science. Their scientists had an incomparable curiosity to explore and to experiment. Their curiosity was much greater and broader than that of the scientists in our time. Today's scientists cannot, in their wildest dreams and imagination, realize what was available to those scientists and the state of their science at that time.
For that reason, at one point in their history, the scientists of the second generation, from observing and studying the laws of matter and of the sensory organs of the human body, raised the following crucial, vital and important question:
(To put nature in the first place, to conceive it as an originator of everything, and then to consider spirituality as the end product of nature's independent development is to put everything upside down and to have a totally distorted spirituality.)
But how does one go about experimenting with such a scientifically intricate and interesting question? Of course, as you know, once such an important and crucial question is asked, it must be answered. This is the nature of Creation. Whatever inquiry is made on any level of Creation, no matter how low or how outward that level is, it must be answered by the means and ways specific to that level. And since the above question was posed from the outward degree of the physical world, which degree was assigned at that time to the planet Earth, it had to be answered in terms of that world, that is on planet Earth, by the tools, ways and means which were specific to that planet. These tools, ways and means were concrete, visible, experiential, sensory, feelable, demonstrative and illustrative examples. There were not any other ways to answer that question so that it could be understood or accepted on that level. (Even with their immense scientific knowledge and abilities, these second people still couldn’t answer this vital question, for if they had known the answer, they surely wouldn’t have commenced such a horrible experiment – this is where their limitations lied – editor’s note.)
Now, the Most High, the Creator in His/Her timeless and spaceless condition, foresaw that such a question would be asked. Therefore, He/She devised a Grand Plan for responding to the question, answering in the most acceptable, efficient, sufficient and learnable manner possible. Planet Earth was therefore created by the Most High, with this specific purpose in His/ Her mind: Planet Earth was to become a ground upon which that question not only would be asked but it would also be explicitly and experientially answered to the full satisfaction of the entire Creation. The Most High also foresaw that certain people would be willing to volunteer for such an experiment. These people would not only volunteer but they would also be willing to obliterate their memories, so that they would not even remember that they volunteered for this purpose. These people also agreed not to remember all of this, as long as they are on the planet Earth or for as long as this new revelation is being given to humankind.
Once the scientists of that society asked that question, they proceeded with experimentation in order to receive appropriate answers. (As you remember, the question was: "What would happen if the origin of life could be explained by the so-called physical laws and natural processes without any involvement of spiritual laws, the spiritual world, or God - the Creator? What would life be like without any spirituality, or if one were to derive spirituality from nature instead of deriving nature from spirituality?")
The first step to be taken in answering that question was to start to bring people into this world, not by spiritual means, but by scientific or so-called natural means. As you remember, up to this point, people were coming into this world by a direct endowment, by and of the Most High. The Most High would form a suitable physical body extracted from the elements of planet Earth. Into that body, He/She would put a spirit which proceeded from His/Her Absolute Spirit. Upon its entrance in its physical body, the Spirit then vivified the body so that it would become alive. The body can be alive only from the presence of that spirit in it as that spirit is alive from the fact that it came from the Absolutely Living Spirit of the Most High. This is how all people in the entire Creation of the Most High were created. This is the only proper, correct, normal, natural, healthy way and procedure for creation and birth of any kind of people. It is called the spiritual way. Any other way is in violation of this eternal procedure. It invariably becomes an upsidedown position, one that leads to nothing but troubles and misery, as the history of presently existing humankind on planet Earth so vividly illustrates.
If people were able to continue coming to this Earth by the proper spiritual way, there would be no possibility and opportunity to answer that important, crucial and vital question that we formulated above. The reason for this is that whatever is derived from spiritual means, is always spiritual, regardless of what outward form it takes. Thus, in order to properly answer that question, it was necessary to discontinue bringing people into this world by these spiritual means.
But how does one accomplish such a complex task? You have to remember that those scientists had at their disposal a tremendous knowledge of genetic engineering, knowledge of the laws of correspondences or representations and knowledge of all spiritual, mystical, physical and any other arrangements that contained the secrets of life-making. Knowing that the human spirit (which comes from the Absolute Spirit of the Most High) is present in every single cell and in all genes of the human body (from which position that spirit vivifies its body, making it alive), the scientists of that time decided to experiment with human male and female cells. They combined one male and one female cell by the special process of bi-cloning. By this process, and by some other mysterious processes, that we cannot know at this time, they created a living human being, who, for the first time, was not a direct endowment from and by the Most High but only an indirect endowment. This indirect endowment came about from the fact that every living cell of the human body contains "its spirit," which comes from the Absolute Spirit of the Most High, and in which, thus, the Most High is ever present to give life to His/Her Creation.
Thus a human being was created by purely physical, scientific means instead of by spiritual means. In the process of this experimentation the scientists used only purely spiritual material that was originally created by the Most High. This is very important to realize because otherwise we would come to the distorted and false conclusion that humans can create things from themselves, and by themselves. Humans cannot create anything by themselves and from themselves. The only way human beings can create anything at all is from the material which was originally created by the Most High. The Most High permitted this to happen for the all important purpose of learning the answer to that crucial, vital and important question that was posed above. Since the Most High is present in every living cell (in the spirit of that cell) it guarantees that everyone's freedom of choice is preserved. For that reason, whoever participated in such an experiment and whoever was produced by such an experiment, participated and was produced through his/her freedom of choice. This is the nature of the Most High, the One Who creates only "in" freedom and independence and "for" freedom and independence. We shall continue to discuss this issue of free choice in the following chapters.
The notable difference between people who were created by the direct endowment, of and by the Most High, and those people who came into existence in this world by means of the physical, genetic process of bi-cloning, is that people who came by the process of bi-cloning lacked the important spiritual experience of being directly endowed by the Most High. Hence, the beginning of the "Fall," or Spiritual recession. The true meaning of the Fall or Spiritual recession is in the fact that by this process, humankind on Earth started a dangerous trend which turned everything upside down. This process is symbolically described in the Holy Bible, in the book of Genesis, chapter two, verses eighteen through twenty-five. God, creating a wife for Adam from his rib, signifies producing a man by sensorial, physical and natural means because the human lower rib corresponds to, or represents the outward physical world and scientific methodology. That it was God Who put Adam to sleep and performed this surgery, signifies that God permitted this to happen for the sake of learning and that His material was used for that purpose.
This act also signifies that God is always present in any living cell of the human body and unquestionably in the human spirit and soul. It is the place where the man's spirit resides for the purpose of vivifying or making his body alive. Whatever is alive must contain in itself, a certain degree of the Most High's presence, because only the Most High is truly eternally alive, being alive in Himself/Herself and by Himself/Herself. Everyone else is only alive from Him/Her.
This is one reason why it is said in the Bible that God created Eve from Adam's rib. It signifies the Most High's permission for people to do so. Taking out Adam's rib also signifies that people on this planet are going to be made now not by a direct endowment of the Most High but rather by physical means. That Adam was placed into a deep sleep signifies that scientists of that time lost their spiritual perspective. They failed to realize the tremendous dangers into which they were putting the entire future of humankind on planet Earth.
At one point in the history of that humankind, all people originally created by direct endowment from and by the Most High, left planet Earth. A new generation of humans came into being. These humans were brought into this world entirely through a special type of bi-cloning. In the process of this new generation's development, its members became less and less spiritual; an inevitable result, for they lacked that crucial experience of being directly endowed by the Most High. Instead, these humans were becoming more and more sensorial, corporeal and materialistic, gradually turning themselves more and more outside, outward, toward nature, away from their Inner Mind and from the Most High in their Inner Mind. The lack of experience of the direct endowment of life by and from the Most High gradually started the process of ignorance and unconscious processes which eventually led to the establishment of the negative state. If you do not have such an experience, you are both ignorant of that experience and you are consciously unaware of that experience. This is how ignorance and unconscious processes came to their fruition. This is how the negative state was allowed to be activated and put into dominance as it is so evident on the planet Earth at the present time.
The danger of that situation was in those people gradually losing interest in God, in spirituality and in spiritual values. At the same time, they still possessed tremendous knowledge; even more so, because more knowledge had been accumulated in the process of millions of years since the first appearance of humankind on this planet. Unfortunately, they started to use this knowledge for non-spiritual purposes.
As one generation followed another through this special process of bi-cloning, a new generation came into being and existence that developed hatred for everything spiritual and everything that was coming from the Most High. This hatred was combined with envy and fierce lustful desire to abolish everything spiritual, to expel God, the Most High, from Creation and to take over the entire Creation, with the intent of making themselves gods and uncontested rulers of everything that existed.
In order to do that they needed proof that no one needs the Most High for anything and that the Most High is not a true Creator but rather that life originated from nature and matter without any Divine presence or effort because primeval matter always existed throughout all of eternity, without beginning or end.
Well, how would you go about proving that human beings are not created by the spiritual means from the Most High but are only a natural process of evolution, from dead elements in matter to the single cell amoeba and later on, to become lower animals, gradually evolving into humans? In other words, how do you prove that from nothing comes something? Or that life originated from the non-life of matter? To prove this means to prove that there is no God-Creator or spiritual principle. It means that humans have, in fact, created in their imagination, a God in a human likeness and image, and these humans produced all kinds of spiritual laws to prove their point. By proving that you can now really establish an upside down position proclaiming it to be the right-side up position.
That generation, which strived to prove this point, experimented with various alternatives until it came up with a grandiose plan. Their scientists then devised a crafty and cunning scientific hoax, providing for it all kinds of proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so that future scientists would have no choice but to believe that which they saw with their scientific eyes as being scientific fact.
This generation, what they did, and what happened afterward, is described in the Holy Bible, in chapter three of the Book of Genesis, by the fall of Adam and Eve.
As the scientists of that generation observed the animal life, they noticed the manner and ways by which the procreation of highly evolved mammalian animals took place. The procreation was by the means of impregnation of a female animal by a male animal through copulation and penetration of the penis into the female vagina and depositing in it the male's semen. The animal fetus developed in its mother's womb and after its birth, was helplessly dependent on its parents for survival.
Thus, the first idea which occurred to the scientists was that, in order to make people dependent on the externals or outward natural laws, they would have to restructure them in such a manner that they would exactly adopt the behavior of animals. This process would then allow scientists to fabricate the type of people who would tend to look outside, outward, to nature and natural laws, instead of looking inward, into the Inner Mind, to the Most High and to His/Her spiritual laws. Moreover, scientists did not like the process of bi-cloning, because it still contained too much spirituality. Bi-cloning could processes which eventually led to the establishment of the negative state. If you do not have such an experience, you are both ignorant of that experience and you are consciously unaware of that experience. This is how ignorance and unconscious processes came to their fruition. This is how the negative state was allowed to be activated and put into dominance as it is so evident on the planet Earth at the present time.
The danger of that situation was in those people gradually losing interest in God, in spirituality and in spiritual values. At the same time, they still possessed tremendous knowledge; even more so, because more knowledge had been accumulated in the process of millions of years since the first appearance of humankind on this planet. Unfortunately, they started to use this knowledge for non-spiritual purposes.
As one generation followed another through this special process of bi-cloning, a new generation came into being and existence that developed hatred for everything spiritual and everything that was coming from the Most High. This hatred was combined with envy and fierce lustful desire to abolish everything spiritual, to expel God, the Most High, from Creation and to take over the entire Creation, with the intent of making themselves gods and uncontested rulers of everything that existed.
In order to do that they needed proof that no one needs the Most High for anything and that the Most High is not a true Creator but rather that life originated from nature and matter without any Divine presence or effort because primeval matter always existed throughout all of eternity, without beginning or end.
Well, how would you go about proving that human beings are not created by the spiritual means from the Most High but are only a natural process of evolution, from dead elements in matter to the single cell amoeba and later on, to become lower animals, gradually evolving into humans? In other words, how do you prove that from nothing comes something? Or that life originated from the non-life of matter? To prove this means to prove that there is no God-Creator or spiritual principle. It means that humans have, in fact, created in their imagination, a God in a human likeness and image, and these humans produced all kinds of spiritual laws to prove their point. By proving that you can now really establish an upside down position proclaiming it to be the right-side up position.
That generation, which strived to prove this point, experimented with various alternatives until it came up with a grandiose plan. Their scientists then devised a crafty and cunning scientific hoax, providing for it all kinds of proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so that future scientists would have no choice but to believe that which they saw with their scientific eyes as being scientific fact.
This generation, what they did, and what happened afterward, is described in the Holy Bible, in chapter three of the Book of Genesis, by the fall of Adam and Eve.
As the scientists of that generation observed the animal life, they noticed the manner and ways by which the procreation of highly evolved mammalian animals took place. The procreation was by the means of impregnation of a female animal by a male animal through copulation and penetration of the penis into the female vagina and depositing in it the male's semen. The animal fetus developed in its mother's womb and after its birth, was helplessly dependent on its parents for survival.
Thus, the first idea which occurred to the scientists was that, in order to make people dependent on the externals or outward natural laws, they would have to restructure them in such a manner that they would exactly adopt the behavior of animals. This process would then allow scientists to fabricate the type of people who would tend to look outside, outward, to nature and natural laws, instead of looking inward, into the Inner Mind, to the Most High and to His/Her spiritual laws. Moreover, scientists did not like the process of bi-cloning, because it still contained too much spirituality.
Bi-cloning could not produce the desirable amount of ignorance and unconscious processes. With ignorance and unconscious processes, scientists intended to establish the rule and dominion of the negative state. The negative state is a state of looking outside, outward, toward nature, instead of looking inside, to the Inner Mind, and to the Most High.
In the moment that early generation devised this plan and decided to proceed with its realization, tremendous havoc occurred. It created a warp in the spiritual, intermediate and physical universes, and in the fabric of time and space. This cataclysmic event threw them out from the dimension of the true Creation they occupied up to that point. In the Biblical terms they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, meaning from the true Creation.
After this early generation was thrown out, it fell from the real Planet Earth into the so-called Zone of Displacement, a dimension that exists parallel to the true Creation. To repeat, that early generation fell out from the real planet Earth into its Zone of Displacement or into anti-universe, where they were allowed to continue with their experimentations. Unfortunately, they were able to take with them all the knowledge they possessed. In addition, they also brought along samples of all existing animals and plants from their original planet Earth. (For details about the "Zone of Displacement" I would like to refer you to the "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" and also, chapter fourteen of "Reality, Myths and Illusions.")
Up to that point, this Zone of Displacement was uninhabited. Now, having all knowledge, means and correspondences retained and available, the early generation was then free to go ahead with their plans. As mentioned just above, they brought all animal cells, samples and genes from the true planet Earth. Then they decided to use those genes to fabricate a pseudo-man, one who would be entirely different from them, and unlike anything ever created by direct endowment, from and by the Most High. Here, scientists decided to utilize animal genes in production of new creatures whom they called "man." They needed animal ignorance and lack of conscious self-awareness. This would allow them to be in total control of that creature-man. The control would be established through external means and by means of dependency of that pseudo-man on external factors, on the natural laws and on external mind rather than on internal factors, on spiritual law, on the Inner Mind and on the Most High, as is the case with spiritual man. Yet, these scientists also needed to retain some degree of the original human semblance, so that the newly fabricated people would be able to learn what the scientists wanted them to learn. For that reason, after several million years of experimentation, scientists succeeded in fabricating a pseudo-man that contained ninety-five percent of the genes and endowment of the animal life. As a result, only five percent of the genes and endowment from the true humans remained. This five percent however, was sufficient to retain in newly fabricated people, the ability to develop self-concept, rationality and higher forms of learning.
In the process of manipulation through genetic endowment in fabricating pseudo-man, scientists, living at that time, suppressed or genetically removed all knowledge of anything spiritual; of any need to go inward; of any knowledge of the Inner Mind and spirituality and of the Most High. Beyond this, many other things enjoyed by the original humans were suppressed. They made pseudo-people totally dependent upon external, outward natural laws and one's conscious mind. This action blocked off any conscious access to the five percent of truly human and Godly qualities, which scientists needed to retain in order to accomplish their goal.
Because the scientists of that time fabricated all of these events, henceforth, they shall be called: "pseudo-creators."
In order to prove further that these newly fabricated human beings evolved from animals, and not from, and by the direct endowment of the Most High, the pseudo-creators also fabricated a caricature of a newly fabricated man which they called an ape. They placed this ape in the proximity of newly fabricated humans so that future scientists would have little choice but to conclude that human beings evolved from apes. This kind of conclusion is easy to make due to the fact that the physical body of the newly fabricated man, apes and other mammalian creatures, were functionally almost the same without too much difference. Most of the manipulation and change was done to female humans, enabling the woman to conceive a child in her womb and to give birth to babies in exactly the same manner as mammalian animals. Thus, a physical birth of a human child is an animalistic process fabricated by the pseudocreators in order to eliminate anything spiritual and Godly from human life. Of course, scientists of the present time fully bought this tremendous scientific hoax fabricated by the pseudo-creators. This hoax leads modern scientists to the conclusion that life originated from nature and matter, and not from the Most High and spiritual principles.
Has it ever occurred to you why God-the-Creator would order the Children of Israel to follow certain rituals following sexual intercourse and childbirth involving this kind of animalistic means? Read chapter twelve in the Book of Leviticus (the third book of Moses) in the Holy Bible. After childbirth through animalistic means, or after each period of menstruation, a woman was ordered to appear before the priest to sacrifice a burnt offering and a sin offering for her atonement. Subsequently to this her sins of childbirth and menstruation were forgiven. A woman had to purify herself for thirty-three days after she bore a male child. If she bore a female child, the mother had to be purified for sixty-six days.
Why was this so? If God were the true and direct originator of the presently existing people on this planet and of the ways they give birth to their children, why would something Godly like childbirth be considered a sin? Or why a man who had an emission of his semen, if it is such a natural, normal and proper process, had to wash his entire body and be unclean until evening? (Leviticus, chapter fifteen, verse sixteen, and in other Biblical references.)
The true reason why these rituals were ordered by the Most High, was to bring to our attention the fact that presently existing humans on the planet Earth and the way and means in which babies are born into this world - and by which male and female make love to each other - were not originally created by the Most High. Instead, present day humans are the end product and result of genetic, magical, correspondential and other mysterious manipulations of the pseudo-creators. They were allowed to do so in order to illustrate by living examples, the answer to that previously stated, important, crucial, vital question. Moreover, the reason why a woman had to purify herself twice-over after giving birth to a female child, because the most alteration, change and genetic manipulation was done on females. Furthermore, because, originally, sexual intercourse was never meant to be for procreation, in the process of that sexual intercourse, no semen was emitted and, therefore, no external physical ways and means were present in the process of lovemaking. This is one of the reasons why with this new arrangement (fabricated by the pseudo-creators) the emission of semen corresponds to those sinful, external ways and means of life that bring people nothing but troubles.
Thus, as you can see from this situation, presently existing humans on planet Earth are not true, original, genuine humans created by the Most High. We are the result of a cunningly and craftily devised plan and genetic, magical, correspondential and other mysterious types of manipulations by pseudo-creators. As mentioned above, they did this for the purpose of the destruction of anything spiritual and Godly in us. They also did this for the purpose of the activation and dominance of the negative state, in opposition to and different from anything positive and good which comes from the Most High.
Once the pseudo-creators accomplished this, the negative state came into full life. Consequently, it was put in full dominance throughout the entire Zone of Displacement and in the natural form on this planet Earth (this particular dimension in which we live).
The next important step which was necessary to take for the pseudo-creators was to eliminate any traces of their existence in the natural degree of planet Earth and in its Zone of Displacement. This was done so that no link or connection could be established to them and to their scientific hoax. Their tremendous knowledge of universal laws and their spiritual correspondences, enabled them to travel backward in time, even before the physical Earth came into being and existence. Pseudo-creators in this manner settled themselves in the Zone of Displacement of the spiritual world. There they established and developed an entirely different style and mode of life. This lifestyle opposed everything positive, Godly and good. It was and is ruled entirely by all kinds of evil, falsities, distortions and perversions of the original states and processes of Creation. These evil, falsities, etc., are continuously produced anew by them. The state and condition which they established in this plane, parallel to the true spiritual world, place or state, is called hell(s). Its parallel world of goodness and truth, or of the positive state, is called heaven(s). Thus the negative state is - in its nature - a true hell, while the positive state is - in its nature - a true heaven.
Once the pseudo-creators established themselves firmly in their hells, they fabricated all kinds of creatures, demons, satans, devils and similar monstrous inventions there. They also started a fierce spiritual war against the entire Creation of the Most High for the purpose of taking over and establishing their own uncontested rule and dominion over all of Creation.
By the pseudo-creators' establishment of hells, the original history of true humankind on planet Earth ended. From that point on, the new era of the pseudo-humankind (with pseudohumans) with the history of continuous bloodshed, hatred and all kinds of negativity started.
In the process of the pseudo-creators' travel backward in time, by that process itself, they erased any traces of their ever having been on planet Earth. (Camouflage is the most elaborate are of the Forces of darkness – editor’s note.) This was necessary for them to do in order to prevent future scientists from discovering any possible indication of what really happened. If such evidence and proof were ever found, people could then become aware of the true state of affairs and would certainly do something about it. 'This was the last thing the pseudo-creators ever wanted to happen. (here, the reader can test to what extent he/she is or is not controllable by the Forces of darkness by SPREADING THESE KEY INFORMATION to other people – editor’s note.)
If you are interested in learning more about these events and happenings, you are advised to familiarize yourself with this author's books, "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality," "Messages From Within," "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" and "Reality, Myths and Illusions." All address these issues more deeply and in greater detail.
The pseudo-creation of the presently existing people on this planet happened approximately four million or so years ago. The beginning of the so-called "Fall" commenced approximately thirty million years ago. In the process of the pseudo-creators' backward travel in time and space, they caused tremendous cataclysms, catastrophies and turmoils in the fabric of the physical universe. They still reverberate at the present time. As a result of these upheavals, the Earth's original one continent was split into several continents. Many other things also happened of similar catastrophic nature described in the Holy Bible as the "Flood."
Scientists consider these and similar events to be natural catastrophies. But, as you can see, they were carefully planned by pseudo-creators who possessed full knowledge of how to produce all of these devastating events. They did this for the purpose of having total control of all future events that would be occurring on planet Earth. In this way they sought to dominate the people that they put there together with apes and other animals.
As correspondences and representations of these negative, evil and adverse thoughts, feelings and affections, exhibited by the pseudo-creators, they fabricated in hells various correspondences which have been consciously projected into our dimension on this planet. These adverse affections usually appear here in a concrete form of all kinds of negative, poisonous and dangerous plants; animals, fish, birds; insects, germs, viruses, human illnesses, disorders; wars, sufferings, accidents, incidents, perversions, ad infinitum. Thus, all adverse, bad, negative, evil and atrocious things that we experience on this planet and in our life as humans, are the result of the work of the pseudo-creators, as briefly described above. From this you can see that all negative things and the negative state, did not originate from or were never created by the Most High as many people believe.
Of course, you have to realize that many other things, events and happenings were produced by the pseudo-creators. This ultimately led to activation of the negative state, fabrication of pseudo-humans and inhabitation of the Zone of Displacement. It also provided for the establishment of hells in the spiritual world and their connectedness to everything negative which has been going on continuously in our earthly life. Not all of these things are accessible to our conscious mind or to our proper understanding. What has been revealed by the Most High about this situation, thus far, is sufficient - for the time being - for us to realize the true state of affairs. This realization may lead you, if you choose so by your own free will, to a revolutionary change in your life, in your thinking, in your feelings and in your behavior in positive ways. This will enable you to free yourself from the trap which was so craftily and cunningly set for all of us by the activators of the negative state.
Of course, your question can well be, "But how did I come into this mess? And, why me?" Your important question deserves an important answer. That answer will be given to you in the following chapters.
For a better understanding of what has been said so far, we shall summarize it with the following points:
The answer to the question posed in the heading of this chapter states that the history of mankind and thus the history
of your own origin, as described in various traditional scientific, historic, and religious books is incorrect. Science and history have no indication whatsoever that anything as previously described ever happened. As you can see, it was carefully assured by the pseudo-creators that no scientific proof of anything described here could ever be found.
Divine Providence of the Most High however, provided that all these events, the way they really happened, would be recorded in the books of the Holy Bible, though in a disguised manner (in the language of parables, representations and correspondences). The word "correspondences" means that any word of the external human language, a word or words which we use for our expressions and communication would contain manifold meanings. One meaning is literal, just exactly what we mean by it. But beyond literal meanings, there are other deeper meanings that reflect a different state of affairs. These are not easily apparent in the literal sense. I am told by the Most High, that each word in the Bible has at least ten different meanings or levels of meanings. Of these, we have little or no notion whatsoever.
A good example of this law, or the word "correspondence" is the correspondence itself. What do you understand by the word "correspondence"? That you, for example, write a letter to someone about something. This is to say that you correspond with that person. This correspondence somehow connects you with that person. But this word also means that you are in a certain proximity to that person and that person is somewhere else and that he/she means something to you.
The word "correspondence" also means to relate from one position to another position. Such relatedness connects those two different positions in a way that they are aware of each other. Another meaning of the word "correspondence" is to symbolize something, or to represent something. Consider, for example, the word "light." The literal meaning of "light" is daylight when you can clearly see with your physical eyes. But it also means to be enlightened, that is, to know the truth. Thus, we can say that light corresponds to truth, and truth corresponds to wisdom, because wisdom consists of a proper knowledge of truth. This gives you light and clear vision or understanding, what to do and how to do things correctly, properly and successfully. This is what correspondences are all about. This is how the Most High disguised all of those events in the Holy Bible described in this chapter.
But, of course, traditional religions do not know about or accept such a meaning of the Bible, with the exception of Swedenborg's followers, and if they know, they deny these correspondences or their usefulness. By this denial they lose access to the truth and real knowledge of what really happened, how it really happened and why it really happened the way it did.
The reason why the Most High dictated the Holy Bible through specially selected people was to maintain some degree of external connectedness with everyone in the Zone of Displacement, that is, in the negative state, with everyone in the positive state. This act provides a means for eventual return of everyone to the original spiritual state of affairs, that is, back to the Most High. Another reason why the Holy Bible was written in these correspondences was to accommodate its meaning to all circles and dimensions of Creation which are in different levels and degrees of understanding of truth and its good and good and its truth. This was also done for the purpose of preventing people on Earth from profanation of the holiness of the sacred true knowledge contained in the Holy Bible. This profanation would cause people's eternal destruction without any possibility of salvation (coming back home). Only when the time is ripe, will these facts be revealed by the Most High. Obviously, the present time is ripe and therefore the secret about what really happened is now being revealed to anyone willing to listen and act upon the revelation in a positive sense.
In view of these facts it is obvious that you are not what either science or traditional religion says that you are. Neither are you the evolutionary evolvement from animal life and matter, as scientists would like you to believe. Nor are you the direct creation of the Creator, the Most High, as traditional religion would like you to believe. In your present form and condition you are the product of a million years of genetic, and some other mysterious manipulations of the pseudo. creators who set out to prove that human life does not have to originate from the Most High and His/Her spiritual principles. However, the material which was used by the pseudo-creators for fabrication of so-called modern man, and thus your present form, was created by the Most High. This material was subsequently abused and misused by the pseudo-creators for evil purpose and intent. These pseudo-creators were the eighth humankind in a succession of humankind, on planet Earth which appeared on this planet through the process of bi-cloning. It commenced approximately eighty million years ago according to earth's relative time.
All of this was permitted to happen by the Most High for the purpose of answering the question which was raised by the scientists. They were the second original humankind that appeared on the planet Earth approximately less than one hundred forty million years ago. The question is as follows: What would happen if the origin of life could be explained by the so-called physical laws and natural processes of matter without any involvement of any spiritual laws, spiritual world or the Most High-the-Creator? What would life be like without any spirituality or if you were able to derive spiritual principles from matter and nature, instead of seeing matter and nature as a product, an outcome of the spiritual laws and principles?
In order to answer these questions in the language of concrete illustration and manifestation for the benefit of all in the entire Creation of the Most High, He/She, permitted an experiment that would lead to the conditions in which the results, outcomes and consequences of that experiment would be fully actualized and realized. Hence, the answer to that question would be given by a living example. This living example is reflected in the history of modern humankind on this planet.
A planet was designed for this purpose. Volunteers sought out those who would not only be willing to produce and participate in this experiment but those who would be willing to agree with the necessity to eliminate any memory from their conscious awareness that they had even volunteered for such an experiment. Otherwise, the experiment would not have any validity and usefulness and no proper answer to that question could be given. Thus, no proper and correct learning could come to its fruition.
The planet was planet Earth, and everyone who has ever been on this planet, and is on it at the present time, or ever will be, is on it strictly on a voluntary basis. Thus you are here on this planet by your own choice, of your own free will, for a certain purpose. We are all here for a very important spiritual reason, which includes the choice not to remember anything about this choice.
By the process of this experimentation, the negative state and everything evil, bad, false, distorted and perverted, came into its being and existence. Thus, the negative state did not originate from the Most High. It was rather the result of denial that life and human beings were created by the Most High from Himself/Herself, and from His/Her spiritual principles. The outcomes and consequences of this denial are vividly illustrated by the history of humankind on planet Earth for the last four million years or so.
The result of this experimentation in the negative state was the institution of ignorance and unconscious processes. These led people to depend upon others and upon physical laws. Thus, they lost the initial and original mind control they previously held over all natural and physical laws. This kept humans from turning themselves inward to their Inner Mind, where all true and genuine knowledge about the above described facts, as well as about everything else concerning life and Creation, is stored. This knowledge is available for everyone who finds the right key to open the entrance into their Inner Mind.
Thus, you are not only limited in your knowledge about everything and yourself, but from the external world, you are fed false and distorted knowledge, information which most of us consider to be true knowledge. By acceptance of this situation a firm condition has been established in this world, in you (your conscious mind) in which everything is upside down. This position is falsely believed by all of us to be right side-up and proper.
From the above described experimentation a false idea was established and accepted by most of us that human life on earth in its present form is a true life, and that whatever happens here is a normal, healthy and natural state of affairs. We are also led to believe that this is the way it is supposed to be and that nothing can be done about this situation.
The true reality about all of this, however, is that what you consider to be the true life is a false life, a pseudo-life, a dead life.
It is non-life and a lousy, miserable, imitation, fake life, which has nothing good and nothing true in itself and of itself. There is nothing of true life in it whatsoever.
The full extent of the usefulness of this experimentation in the negative state and its fake life, or non-life, can be known only to the Most High. Everyone in the entire Creation, including all of us who are direct participants in this pseudo-life of the negative state, continue to learn from everything that has been happening in all regions where the negative state dominates. This includes planet Earth (the dimension of Earth on which we live). Everything of this nature serves a very important spiritual purpose which is very difficult for us to understand. The reason for this non-understanding is in the fact that we volunteered and agreed not to understand the purpose fully. This situation will last until it is over for every one of us individually, or until a specific time, appointed by the Most High, when the usefulness of this negative state's being and existence is exhausted and is no longer needed for any purpose.
It is important to realize that ninety-five percent of that which we are, or consist of, is an imposed, artificially induced state. We are the result of genetic manipulation, a forceful attachment of animalistic tendencies contained in those genes which were taken from then existing animals by the pseudocreators and used for their experimentations. This was done for the purpose of making humans into beast-like creatures, pseudohumans that could be ruled by beastly affections, raw emotions, fears, aggressions, violence, dependency, externalization and in total ignorance regarding all matters of life and spirituality.
From this fact stems a very obvious conclusion that what we consider to be human is not even remotely human. Thus, we have no true knowledge from our conscious experience what it is like to be a true human. The true human part in us (the remaining five percent) was carefully closed off so that we would have no conscious access to it. This was obviously done for the purpose of preventing us from discovering the real truth about ourselves, our life and life in general; but more particularly, about the true nature of the Most High, including the true nature of the negative state.
However, by the will of the Most High, this situation with this new revelation about these matters is changing. Therefore, you are hereby given the opportunity and tools to get in touch with that five percent within you which is truly human in you and gradually eliminate from your life everything which is not truly you. This book serves this important purpose.”
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